Cara Verwimp

Cara, MSc, graduated two years ago as a clinical child psychologist from KU Leuven, Belgium, and decided to extend her studies with an extra master in Theory and Research. During her research internship in the DYSCO research group at KU Leuven (Dyslexia Research Collaboration between Parenting and Special Education and Experimental Oto-rhino-laryngology), she investigated pre-literacy heterogeneity in Dutch-speaking kindergartners. Currently she is employed at the University of Amsterdam and Regionaal Instituut voor Dyslexie (RID) as an Early Stage Researcher and the goal of her research is to provide more insight in the multidimensional etiology in developmental dyslexia and to further investigate the development of letter-speech sound correspondences, aiming for better, individualized interventions.

As part of the Neo-PRISM-C project, she is currently collaborating with Mareike Kaemmerer on the role of emotional and cognitive processes in psychological interventions for children with chronic health conditions.

KEYWORDS: reading development, developmental dyslexia, multiple deficit approach, intervention

Cara's ResearchGate webpage