Marta Walentynowicz

Marta Walentynowicz

Marta holds a PhD in Health Psychology from KU Leuven - University of Leuven. She has also completed her masters in psychology and bachelor in scandinavian studies at the University of Gdansk, Poland. Between 2016 and 2018, she was a postdoctoral scholar in the Center for Self-Report Science at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. 

Marta's main research interests focus on autobiographical memory and improving self-report methods. In particular, she is interested in the factors which influence how people remember emotions and bodily symptoms that they experienced in the past. In her work, she combines different methods, including lab-based studies and real-time data capture.

She is currently working as a postdoctoral fellow at UC Louvain on a project focused on the development of new measures of interoception.

Keywords: memory, memory bias, symptom reporting, ecological momentary assessment


UCLouvain - Faculté de Psychologie et Sciences de l'Education (PSP)

Psychological Sciences Research Institute (IPSY)

Place du Cardinal Mercier 10/L3.05.01- 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve -  Belgium

Phone : +32 10 47 23 49

Mail: marta.walentynowicz[at]

Office : D2

Find more information on:

Marta's Research Gate webpage                                                                           

Marta's personal webpage

Marta's CV