VP Membership

VP Membership (Toastmasters definition)

Achieving Success as VP Membership

The VP of Membership is a great position for someone who is outgoing, friendly and professional. You are the one who initiates contact with guests, makes initial introductions, perhaps offers them a name tag and helps them feel welcome. Later, you provide them with the information they need to join the club. As the club’s number one recruiter, you manage the process of bringing in guests and transforming those guests into members. You also attentively monitor membership levels and strategize with the rest of the executive committee about how to overcome membership challenges when they occur.

Some HTM-specific tasks are:

  • Introduce yourself to visitors and, if possible, sit next to them during the first meeting so you can answer any questions.

  • Give visitors a name tag to wear during the meeting.

  • Encourage visitors to write their name and email address in our guest book even during virtual meetings.

  • Make sure there are membership forms in the box and have a few pre-filled with the membership fees already calculated.

  • Hand a membership form and Welcome Packet to visitors and make yourself available to answer questions after the meeting.

  • Encourage them to come back and visit again.

  • Using the contact information from our guest book, contact guests within a week or two and periodically afterwards, to encourage them to visit again and consider joining.

  • Work with other officers to set realistic goals for new membership numbers.

  • Project a positive and enthusiastic attitude about Toastmasters in general and Husky Toastmaster's in particular.

  • Work with VP Public Relations to promote membership.