
Location: Schmitz Hall, room 538 on the University of Washington campus (1450 NE Campus Parkway Seattle, WA 98195-5870)

Time: 12:30 - 1:30 PM

Officers in attendance: Adelia, Rob, Kyra, Kumiko, Mai Lin, Nicole

Members in attendance: Anita

Acting Secretary: Mai Lin


President: Mai Lin Chua

    • Club officer make-up trainings in July and August. Deadline is August 15th.

    • Any transition problems?

    • Contest dates for the year - August and February - Chairs

    • Open house dates for the year - October and April - Chairs

    • Meet Up

    • Moment of Truth Survey

    • Mai Lin out of town the first 3 weeks of September - need backup

    • Distinguished Club Program and Club Success Plan

Secretary: Anita Kamran

Sergeant at Arms: Kumiko Kato

Treasurer: Nicole Ruedy

VP Education: Kyra Worrell

VP Membership: Adelia Yee

VP Public Relations: Rob Esene


    • Rob, and Anita will go to the club officer training at the University Presbyterian Church on July 10th. Nicole will try to go too. So far, we have Mai Lin, Kyra, and Kumiko trained at the MELE in June. We need one more officer trained to earn the 0.5 DCP and 7 officers trained to earn the $70 incentive money from District 2.

    • Kyra will be the chair of the August 20th contest - humorous speech and table topics.

    • Kyra will recruit the chair for the October 8th open house.

    • Officers will back up while Mai Lin out of town.

    • Officers agree to the idea of meet up. Will look into the possibility of joining anther club to share the cost.

    • Officers agree to start working on the Club Success Plan this year.

    • Next meeting will be on September 25th, Friday.