
Location: Schmitz Hall, room 538 on the University of Washington campus (1450 NE Campus Parkway Seattle, WA 98195-5870)

Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM

Officers in attendance: Kyra, Adelia, Kumiko, Mai Lin, Andrea

Members in attendance:

Acting Secretary: Mai Lin


President: Mai Lin Chua

    • April 7th open house (logistics, etc)

      • Kumiko (SAA) will be out of state and cannot attend the open house.

    • The length of time of guest visits before joining the club

    • Noel Bain will lead this: Officers' goals for the club; their plans to reach their goals; and how they think Noel can help our club.

Secretary: Anita Kamran

Sergeant at Arms: Kumiko Kato

  • "Welcome" sign on the door got lost; printed again. Do we have a small club banner that could be placed on the door?

Treasurer: Mai Lin Chua

VP Education: Kyra Worrell

  • A tweak to our club focus - slight change in membership strategy

VP Membership: Adelia Yee

VP Public Relations: Rob Esene


    • We will reset the open house date since we still don't have any guest speaker at the moment. We will invite UW professors instead. Adelia will write invitation emails to Matt McGarrity and Vitaly Nishanov. We will adjust our open house date to the convenience of the speakers.

    • When guests visit, do not give them the perception that they can come as often as they want without joining. Every time they come, try to invite them to join the club.

    • Reach out to Majeed and Don Zwink first for help in membership. Then decide if we need Noel Bain's help.

    • Talk to Majeed, Don Zwink, or other district leader if we can shift the focus of the club a little bit , such as incorporating a little specialty into our club. Kyra is suggesting if she can pull her writer friends into our club and integrate writing as part of the club's agenda.

    • We will be hanging the small banner together with the door sign every time we have meeting.

    • Next meeting date will depend on the status of the open house guest invitation.