
Treasurer (Toastmasters definition)

Achieving Success as Treasurer

The Treasurer is responsible for keeping clear and accurate financial records of club business and for seeing that the club remains financially stable. The Treasurer collects and pays dues to World Headquarters by October 1 and April 1 and works with the VP of Membership to contact members who have not paid dues. The Treasurer has to remind members that if dues are paid late, they might not be eligible for speech contests, education awards, or club recognition in the Distinguished Club Program. The Treasurer also submits new member applications to World Headquarters with initial dues payment.

Some HTM-specific tasks are:

  • Process expense reimbursements.

  • Responsible for club credit card, and making payments as needed.

  • Maintaining member records (member applications).

  • Communicate with the Secretary when anyone's membership lapses so we can encourage them to renew or remove them from our Google Group.