
Location: Schmitz Hall, room 538 on the University of Washington campus (1450 NE Campus Parkway Seattle, WA 98195-5870)

Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM

Officers in attendance: Mai Lin, Kyra, Adelia, Kumiko

Members in attendance:

Acting Secretary: Mai Lin


President: Mai Lin Chua

    • February 11th club contest

    • April 7th open house

    • Plan for a date for the Moments of Truth survey results - T. Cudaback will be the one to interpret and analyze the results. It takes an hour.

    • Starbucks $5 gift cards - how are we going to award these to members

    • Leaders' Breakfast in February update

    • MHA student meeting update - February 9 at Health Sciences Building

    • Next meeting date

Secretary: Anita Kamran

Sergeant at Arms: Kumiko Kato

Treasurer: Mai Lin Chua

VP Education: Kyra Worrell

  • Suggestion to streamline the process of confirming roles right before the meeting

VP Membership: Adelia Yee

VP Public Relations: Rob Esene


    • February 11th Club Contest - This is the Spring contest on International Speech and Evaluation. Kyra is currently looking for a member to chair the contest. Previously Beth had expressed interest to compete in the International Speech category. For the evaluation contest, we will be looking for a test speaker.

    • April 7th Open House - Andrea is the chair for the open house. Kyra has talked to Gregor K. to present on how to have the best PowerPoint. We are planning to target the student audience and we want to present topics that are relevant to the students in this open house. We also have put down Noe as an alternate speaker or both Gregor and Noe can present on April 7th. We will discuss more of the open house at the next club officer meeting. Kyra will check to see if anyone has access to UW calendar so we can put the event on and hopefully The Daily will advertise us for free!

    • Moments of Truth Survey Results - Mai Lin will email Todd Cudaback for a preferred date (February 18th, 25th, or March 10th) that he can come and interpret the results and make recommendations to the club. It will take an hour so we need to allocate one meeting for the result analysis. So far only 9 people responded to the survey.

    • $5 Starbucks Gift Cards - We have 5 pieces of $5 gift cards now. These were redeemed from the Chase credit card reward points. We plan to award one card each month for the member who will bring in a guest. If there are more than one member who brings in a guest in a month, Mai Lin will track the names of the members and will draw a winner at the last meeting of each month. This will start in February. Mai Lin will send an email out to the club.

    • Leaders' Breakfast - This is the previously "Presidents' Breakfast". It will be held on February 27, 2016 at Lake City Presbyterian Church NE. Registration to the event is at $25 and the club is offering one $25 scholarship to anyone who wants to attend. Probably Kyra and Adelia might go and they will split the $25 scholarship if both of them will decide to attend.

    • MHA Student Workshop - At the request of a group of MHA (2017) students, Kyra and Mai Lin will attend the session on February 9th at the Health Sciences Building. We think this is a good chance to advertise the club. We have also invited Jane Hunt to be the guest speaker. She will speak for about 10 to 15 minutes. For the remaining 45 minutes, there will be impromptu speaking questions to engage the students. Adelia will update the club fact sheet. Mai Lin will ask Rob if he can design the club labels. We will bring the remaining 12 guest packets to be handed out to people who will be serious to join the club. Kumiko will be giving away her monthly Toastmasters magazines.

    • Next Meeting Date - March 11th from 1 pm to 2 pm