
Location: Atmospheric Sciences - Geophysics Building (ATG) 406 http://uw.edu/maps/?atg

Time: 12:30 - 1:30 PM

Officers in attendance:

Members in attendance:

Acting Secretary:


President: Martin Criminale

Secretary: Kate Curtis

Sergeant at Arms: Janene Hubbard

Treasurer: Deborah Smith

VP Education: Mai Lin Chua

    • Club Contest - International Speech and Evaluation Contests - February 6th - Rob Esene is the contest chair.

    • Club Officer Make-Up Training - at UW Tower - February 14th - Noon to 1 pm

    • VP Education successor

    • Timer, Grammarian, and GE sheets - should we keep them?

VP Membership: Penny Hinke

    • Open House (Jan 30)

      • Goals/title of Kate's speech/workshop

      • Catchy phrase for promotion—discuss Kelly's suggestions (or use title of Kate's speech/workshop)

      • Use of room space, if "oversubscribed" (We should be so lucky!)

      • Tentative agenda

      • Will there be refreshments? If so, what? Will club pay for it? Who will be in charge of bringing cups, plates, etc?

      • Other?

    • VP role and responsibilities: chat with visitors before/and or after meeting, give new member "packet", follow up with email, "close the deal." How you/officers can help me perform my role.

VP Public Relations: Kelly Hoeft

Survive and Thrive. Public Speaking*

Conquer fear of public speaking

Master public speaking in a safe space

Be dynamic & Engage. Toastmasters. Public speaking.

Champion public speaking.*

Overcome your limitations

Dive in and overcome.

Eliminate public speaking jitters.

Fear not. Learn to Public speak like a pro.

Fearlessness.* or Be fearless

Boost self esteem.

Improving speaking Courage

Unlock your public speaking potential.*

Spark. Dynamic. Gain confidence.

Reach new heights.

Live outside your comfort zone. Public speaking.*

Captivate other. Public speaking.

Where leaders are made. Toastmasters.

Gain confidence through public speaking.

Success secrets of public speaking

You are limitless.

LIMITLESS. Increase speaking. Confidence. Supportive safe environment.*

other words/phrases: Winning. Succeed. Apex. conquer fears. Leading.Ownership. Engage. Achieve. Own. Success.


Summary of open house details - from Penny Hinke's email.

Featured speaker: Kate Curtis

Title/Focus of Presentation: "Grounded in Strength: Powerful Presentation Skills for 2014"

Topics to be covered:

    • Conquer your speaking jitters

    • Increase your credibility

    • Captivate your audience

Targeted audience: graduate students and UW staff who want to improve their talks/presentations

Length of speech: 30 minutes

Refreshments will be available: Mai Lin has volunteered to buy a tray of cookies and small bottles of water from Costco. Deb the treasurer will reimburse Mai Lin through club fund.

Name tags for guests will be on sign-in table.

We will trim some of the activities from our normal club meeting to allow for the longer speaking time. We will keep the following roles:

  • President's welcome

  • Toastmaster

  • Table topics master/table topics

  • General evaluator (brief summary, mostly to introduce Ah counter/grammarian and timer)

  • Ah counter/grammarian

  • Timer

We debated whether to include an evaluator but decided that, in the interest of time, we'd skip it this time.

Room layout: Rows of chairs facing the lectern. No tables in back (to leave more room for visitors, etc.). A table will be used on the side for refreshments. Extra tables will be folded and put out in the hallway. If we are absolutely inundated with people, officers will stand. (Hope this won't be necessary.)

Kelly will put together the marketing materials and get back to us early next week with copy to review.