
Location: Schmitz 538

Time: 12:30 - 1:30 PM

Officers in attendance: Rob, Mai Lin, Krista, Kyra

Members in attendance:

Acting Secretary:


President: Mai Lin Chua

    • Club contest 02/19/2015

    • Club open house 04/16/2015

    • Officer presentations

    • Yearend celebration - June 18th

    • Meetings to be cancelled - July 2nd, September 3rd or September 10th?, November 12th, November 26th, December 24th, December 31st.

Secretary: Anita Kamran

Sergeant at Arms: Mai Lin Chua

Treasurer: Deborah Smith

VP Education: Krista Greear

VP Membership: Gail Fahey/ Kyra Worrell

VP Public Relations: Rob Esene


Feb 19th club contest - Kyra is the International Speech sole contestant. Rob is the test speaker for the evaluation contest. So far we have Adelia signed up to help and Wataru as timer. Mai Lin will be the contest toastmaster and chief judge. We still need one more judge and one SAA. For the evaluation contest, Kyra and Krista are the confirmed contestants. Krista will continue to recruit other members to participate or help in the contest. Rob has also agreed to be the ballot counter.

Apr 16 club open house - We have invited Todd Cudaback as our keynote speaker. Krista will work on the flyer. She will also provide non-perishable refreshment. Kyra and Adelia might be able to bake something. Kyra will provide juice for the refreshment. Rob will create a "open house" folder on the website to store the flyers for future template. Kyra will advertise the event in the Starburst the first week of April.

Officer presentations - The objective is to recruit officers for the next Toastmaster year. Mai Lin will start her president presentation on March 19th. The weekly roles pages are created up to the month of June. Other officers have to schedule their own speaking slot.

Yearend celebration is June 18th

Future meetings to cancel are July 2nd, November 26th, December 24th, and December 31st.

Other business:

We will have the old branding educational materials to be given away on the open house day. All our financial records 7 years and older have been shredded.

Our next officer meeting will be on April 10th to put together all open house details and materials.