
Location: Cultivate in Elm Hall 1218 NE Campus Parkway, Seattle, WA 98105

Time: 12:15-1:15 PM

Officers in attendance: Martin, Mai Lin, Kelly, Deb, Kate, Janene


Club Financial Report- Deb Smith

Open House

    • Marketing

    • We all need to market this event for it to be sucessful.

    • Refreshments

    • The club will provide plates, napkins.

    • Kelly will provide hot water.

    • Kate will provide tea.

    • The membership will optionally provide treats.

Holiday Party

    • Date/time

    • Activities

President: Martin Criminale

    • I'd like to flesh out what each of us actually does for the club per our roles here.

    • Can we get an update on dues collection?

    • How to turn on Google Site notifications and when to use email vs. the site.

    • What day of the month is best for a regular officers' meeting? Can we pick the 1st, 2nd, etc. Friday of each month and stick to it?

    • We decided on the 2nd Friday of every month, 12:30-1:30 at Cultivate.

    • If this location works, shall we continue to use it as well?

VP Education: Mai Lin Chua

  • Club contest - February 6th, 2014

  • Need a volunteer for the contest chair

  • Will be out of town - February 27th, March 6th, and March 13th

    • Club officer training - December 14th MELE at Microsoft in Redmond

    • Club officer make-up training - hosted by the 7 divisions

VP Membership: Penny Hinke

VP Public Relations: Kelly Hoeft

Treasurer: Deborah Smith

Secretary: Kate Curtis

Sergeant At Arms: Janene Hubbard



    • Add regular Officers Meeting to Google Calendar.

    • Email membership regarding Open House (Dec 19), everyone is encouraged to come early and mingle.

    • Email membership regarding CL opportunities at Open House (Jan 30).


    • Attach financial report to this meeting page.

Mai Lin

    • Reserve table at Cultivate for Officers Meetings.


    • Create flyer to promote Open House.