
Location: Atmospheric Sciences - Geophysics Building (ATG) 406 http://uw.edu/maps/?atg

Time: 12:30 - 1:30 PM

Officers in attendance:

Members in attendance:

Acting Secretary:


President: Mai Lin Chua

    • Club officer make up training - deadline is August 15th. AS of now we have 5 officers trained.

    • According to Martin's Doodle poll, everyone is available on August 13th from 3-4 pm. We need to set a venue for the officer transition meeting.

    • Vision for the new year - more emphasis on the CL manual, advanced speakers, education sessions

    • Increased membership dues for October 1st - Possibility of several members might not renew

    • Club Fall contest- August14th - Krista is the contest chair

    • Club open house planning - date and chair

    • Club banner - Do we want to hang it at the meeting?

Secretary: Anita Kamran

Sergeant at Arms: Kyra Worell

Treasurer: Deborah Smith

VP Education: Krista Greear

VP Membership: Gail Fahey

VP Public Relations:


Husky Club Officers 1st Officer Meeting for the year 14-15.

5 Officers attended the Training Workshop on 7-14-14 and expected with two More Rob & Deb to receive $70.00 which will help to buy guest packets to hand out to guests during the open houses.

Martin's help with Google Doodle is very helpful and our transitional meeting will be held on August 13th.

No change in membership dues from 7/1/14 through 6/30/15.

Club Contest on 8/14/2014. It will be on the Table topics if no one volunteers for the humorous speech

Mai Lin will be the TM on 8/7/14 to talk about the DCP Points and the CL manual

will focus on Education Session once a month during the weekly meetings

Open House on 10/16/2014 and 4/16/2015. Husky banner will be displayed on special events

Our club information - Club - 9928 Area 71, Division G, District 2

8/8/14 Next Officers meeting in Atmospheric Sciences ATG 406