
Location: Schmitz Hall, room 538 on the University of Washington campus (1450 NE Campus Parkway Seattle, WA 98195-5870)

Time: 12:30 - 1:30 PM

Officers in attendance: Kyra, Mai Lin, Kumiko, and Andrea

Members in attendance:

Acting Secretary:


President: Mai Lin Chua

    • October 8th Open House - logistics (publicity, refreshments, etc.)

    • Invite Andrea to future officer meetings

    • Other

Secretary: Anita Kamran

Sergeant at Arms: Kumiko Kato

Treasurer: Nicole Ruedy

VP Education: Kyra Worrell

VP Membership: Adelia Yee

VP Public Relations: Rob Esene


    • Mai Lin will coordinate with Bruce Meaker for the upcoming October 8th open house.

    • Mai Lin will use the club credit card to buy refreshments for the open house,

    • We will be using the left over guest packets - 18 of them.

    • Andrea will write for the Star burst announcement on October 5th,

    • Andrea will send email announcements to the Division G Governor, Area 71 Governor, Cosmos, and UW Toastmasters.

    • Andrea will help with the October 8th open house, She will start planning to chair the next open house in April 2016.

    • We have decided not to have a demonstration speaker due to time constraint. We will have Mai Lin prepare a 3 minute sales speech to advertise the club. Bruce Meaker may or may not evaluate it.

    • Next meeting will be on October 23rd. Andrea will be invited to future officer meetings.

    • Mai Lin will replace Nicole as the Treasurer.