
Location: Atmospheric Sciences - Geophysics Building (ATG) 406 http://uw.edu/maps/?atg

Time: 12:30 - 1:30 PM

Officers in attendance: Deborah Smith, Penny Hinke, Martin Criminale, Janene Hubbard, Kelly Hoeft

Acting Secretary: Martin Criminale


President: Martin Criminale

    • Shall we transition to meeting roles per the TI definition? I suspect it would be a good idea. If you all agree, we'll need to lead by example and spell these out for our members.

    • I propose we try to find a quiet, dedicated space for future officer meetings. Does anyone have access to a small meeting room on campus?

Secretary: Kate Curtis

Sergeant at Arms: Janene Hubbard

    • Do we have all the forms that we need?

    • Are the existing forms good or should we change any?

    • Is the form you like in the Files section of our site?

Treasurer: Deborah Smith

VP Education: Mai Lin Chua

    • How should we spend our Toastmasters dollars (assuming all the officers get trained this winter)?

      • 4 each CC & CL manuals

      • 10 Humorous Speaking manuals

      • 40 each Best Speaker/Best Evaluator/Best Table Topics ribbons

      • Complete set of 15 Advanced Communication manuals

VP Membership: Penny Hinke

    • How best to promote our Open House?

    • What is the purpose of our Open House (Why are we having one?) and what are our specific goals for it? How many people are we trying to reach? Will we focus our efforts mainly on the university population (staff and students) or reach outside the UW? What is our theme for the day? Will we have a normal meeting that day or will we have something special? If we don't have a special speaker or event, what will be special about our Open House?

    • My role as VP Membership: What I need to help me be successful in this role.

    • How to make visitors feel welcome to participate in Table Topics without frightening them off.

    • What do we think makes us special as a Toastmasters club? What is the culture we want to project? Why us? (Why should someone join us, and not another club?)

    • Are we meeting our members needs, and if not, what can we do to meet them?

VP Public Relations: Kelly Hoeft

    • How best to promote our Open House?

    • Promotion flyers and email draft


It was decided that 1) we all need to have an elevator speech handy and 2) that we need to know what our club does well/excels at. Here is what we agreed HTM is about.

- We provide continuity as most of our members stick around for at least two years.

- We cover all the Toastmasters basics. Once you have spent some time with HTM, you will be ready for any advanced club.

- Our membership is diverse in that we cover a range of ages and professions and nationalities.

Martin Criminale

    • See if we can change the link in the header of our site to Toastmasters International. I was not able to figure out how to do this, it appears be a Google Site 'feature' that the header links to your site. I suppose in most cases the header would be your logo and not that of some other organization...

    • Create a survey (Catalyst or other) to poll our membership twice/year to see if their needs are getting met by this club.

    • Create QR code specifically for our Open House and for our site in general and give them to Kelly Hoeft so she can use them on flyers. DONE

    • Add link to Open House to our home page.

    • Will email membership about making guests more comfortable and not forcing them to participate in Table Topics. Table Topics should always be voluntary for that matter.

    • Will email membership regarding Open House after the holiday reminding them and asking them 1) show up and 2) bring one friend each.

    • Will update the meeting location on our site, in the meeting agenda template and on our calendar for both regular meetings and the officers meeting. DONE

Deborah Smith

  • It was decided that the conference room in ATG works great and Officer Meetings will continue to be here. Deb will schedule this forward and notify us if it's ever not available.

Penny Hinke

    • Will send out our Open House agenda by next week/before the holiday.

    • It was decided that we will not use the guest speaker Mai Lin Chua has invited and instead will ask her to speak at some other time.

    • Will coordinate with Kate Curtis to ensure that the speech is appropriate for our Open House and conducive to attracting new members.

Janene Hubbard

    • Will work on improving and standardizing our Evaluation, Time, Ah Counter and GE forms and post them to the Files section of our site by the next officers meeting. The forms should get approved by the officers and then by the membership. Once they have been uploaded the old version will be deleted to avoid confusion.

Kelly Hoeft

    • Will create draft flyers for our Open House and present them to the officers, one catering to staff and one to students. The flyers will include the Open House QR code and tear-away strips with contact info.