
Location: Atmospheric Sciences - Geophysics Building (ATG) 406 http://uw.edu/maps/?atg

Time: 12:30 - 1:30 PM

Officers in attendance:

Members in attendance:

Acting Secretary:


President: Martin Criminale

    • What about increasing our club dues from $5 to $10? This would facilitate more purchases like Welcome Packets, etc.

    • Let's all document our Husky toastmasters-specific duties on this site to make the transition for officers easier.

Secretary: Kate Curtis

Sergeant at Arms: Janene Hubbard

    • How are all the standard meeting forms coming?

Treasurer: Deborah Smith

VP Education: Mai Lin Chua

    • Schedule 2 sessions for Moments of Truth in June - June 5th and 12th.

    • Successors for next year (July '14 to June '15) officer roles. Deadline is June 30 if we want Distinguished Club points.

    • Who will stay on for a second term?

    • At least one educational session per month.

    • A Competent Leader evaluator on the weekly agenda.

VP Membership: Penny Hinke

  • New General Evaluator Checklist (draft)

  • How are we doing on recruiting new members?

    • Any plans to keep encourage attendance during summer?

VP Public Relations: Kelly Hoeft

    • Sponsorship update.

    • How we can help solicit sponsors.