
Location: Atmospheric Sciences - Geophysics Building (ATG) 406 http://uw.edu/maps/?atg

Time: 12:30 - 1:30 PM

Officers in attendance: Rob, Mai Lin, Kyra, Gail, Deb

Members in attendance:

Acting Secretary: Mai Lin


President: Mai Lin Chua

    • October 16th open house update. Deb has invited Cliff Mass as our keynote speaker.

    • Assign open house roles - who will be in charge of refreshments? Who will be in charge of distributing the fliers?

    • Come up with an evaluation type of survey question to gather feedback for the open house.

Secretary: Anita Kamran

Sergeant at Arms: Kyra Worrell

Treasurer: Deborah Smith

VP Education: Krista Greear

VP Membership: Gail Fahey

VP Public Relations: Rob Esene


1. Kyra will send the Starburst link to Deb and Rob. They will write a brief descriptive paragraph about the 10/16 open house for advertising in the 09/29 Starburst. The paragraph has to be completed on or before 09/26.

2. Rob is working on the open house flier. Once completed, the officers will proof read the draft. The officers will send the fliers out either electronically or in paper form to publicize the event.

3. Deb will send the officers a list of food items for the open house.

4. Deb will purchase the name stickers for guests.

5. Deb will order items for the D2 $70 incentive money (ribbons, guest packets, sign).

6. Gail will be the open house greeter. She will man the front door (help the guest to sign the guest book, name tag).

7. There will be no survey question for the open house.

8. An open house agenda will be finalized.