VP Education

VP Education (Toastmasters definition)

Achieving Success as VP Education

VPEs are responsible for completing meeting schedules and confirming that meeting roles are filled. Well-planned meetings are enjoyable for everyone. Variety in meeting formats and programs keeps members interested and eager to attend club meetings. The VP of Education's primary responsibility is to ensure the club is meeting members' needs. VPEs must understand the educational system (communication track and leadership track) and be able to explain it to members. The VPE is responsible for coordinating the club's educational program which provides a proven curriculum that develops communication and leadership skills; and ensuring members understand how to work through the leadership and communication tracks so they can develop communication and leadership skills one step at a time. The VPE must help new members prepare for their Toastmasters experience by explaining materials and procedures and matching new members with mentors.

Some HTM-specific tasks are:

  • Complete the Weekly Roles on our Google Site site at least three weeks in advance and communicate this to the membership.

  • Manage mentors - if anyone wants a mentor they should have access to one.