
Location: Schmitz Hall, room 538 on the University of Washington campus (1450 NE Campus Parkway Seattle, WA 98195-5870)

Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM

Officers in attendance: Mai Lin, Andrea, Adelia, Kumiko, Kyra

Members in attendance:

Acting Secretary: Mai Lin


President: Mai Lin Chua

    • Dates for Spring Club Contest (February 2016) and April 2016 Open House

    • Discussion of 9/24 brainstorm re: member retention

    • Do we still want to use the Moments of Truth survey or create our own?

    • Discussion of Square

    • Go over the files in the Google site and decide which ones to keep and which ones to delete for more space.

    • Andrea shadowing the president's duties

Secretary: Anita Kamran

Sergeant at Arms: Kumiko Kato

Treasurer: Mai Lin Chua

VP Education: Kyra Worrell

VP Membership: Adelia Yee

VP Public Relations: Rob Esene


Spring club contest (International Speech & Evaluation) will be held on February 11th. Kyra will be looking for a contest chair but if she cannot find one, Andrea is willing to chair the contest.

Open house for 2016 will be held on April 7th. We plan to ask Noe if he wants to be the special guest to give an inspiring speech. We might also look into the possibilities of inviting speech contest winners to be the guest speakers. We want to make the open house more academic in nature.

We will be looking into using the Square when we have more members in the future. The Square is convenient to use.

Mai Lin will talk to Todd Cudaback if the district is willing to send a club analyst to interpret our Moments of Truth survey. We will create our own survey when we have a larger member group.

Mai Lin will remove some of the files on Google which are already hosted by TI to allow space for Kumiko to save the file of AV system procedure.

Starting January Andrea will shadow Mai Lin to learn the president's duties.

Our next meeting will be on January 29th, 2016, from 1 to 2 pm in Schmitz 538.