
Location: Atmospheric Sciences - Geophysics Building (ATG) 406 http://uw.edu/maps/?atg

Time: 12:30 - 1:30 PM

Officers in attendance: Krista, Mai Lin, Kyra (email meeting)

Members in attendance:

Acting Secretary: Mai Lin


President: Mai Lin Chua

    • 2015 - 2016 Officers List

    • Go Daddy domain name renewal

    • June 18 year end celebration

    • Mai Lin out of town - will miss the meetings on September 3, 10, 17

Secretary: Anita Kamran

Sergeant at Arms: Mai Lin Chua

Treasurer: Deborah Smith

VP Education: Krista Greear

VP Membership: Gail Fahey/Kyra Worrell

VP Public Relations: Rob Esene


2015-2016 officer list:

President - Mai Lin

VPE - Kyra

SAA - Kumiko

Treasurer - Nicole

Secretary - Anita

VPPR - Rob

VPM - Noe or Beth?

Mai Lin sent an email to Noe recruiting him to be the club's next VPM. Beth is another potential candidate. Will see what is Noe's response before emailing Beth.

Kyra - agrees with the suggestion that we renew Go Daddy domain until (and if) we find a webmaster who could work on the Free Toast Host site.

Krista - thinks that our Google site could have more aesthetic appeal. She told Mai Lin back in Feb that she could help with some website stuff during summer time. Krista volunteered to help transition from Google site to Free Toast Host 2.0 but she cannot commit being the webmaster for the next Toastmaster year. She can only commit to a summer-term project.

Concern - transitioning to a more visually attractive website is a good idea but the concern is we need a webmaster to regularly update and maintain the website.

Decision - We will renew the domain name with Go Daddy for another 2 years until we find a webmaster. Since Kyra and Mai Lin agreed on renewing and they represent the majority with the number of officers (only 3 - Mai Lin, Kyra, Krista) participating in the email meeting. The current Go Daddy term will expire on 08/17/2015.

During Mai Lin's absence in September, Kyra will help as much as she can to keep the club up and running.

June 18th year end celebration will be the traditional simple recognition with the first 30 minutes as a regular meeting and the second 30 minutes as a get together. Both Kyra and Krista won't be available on June 18th.