Visitor's Guide & FAQs

Visitors are always welcome here, at Hubbard Church of the Nazarene!

We know that it can be hard to visit a church for the first time, simply because you don't know anyone, and you are not sure what to expect. That is why we've answered here some of the common questions people have about visiting a new church. We hope you'll feel comfortable, relaxed and welcome! Please come and be our guest at a service sometime soon! We are looking forward to your visit!

What to Expect:

    • A warm welcome and acceptance!

    • Uplifting music that inspires heartfelt worship of an awesome God!

    • Uncompromising preaching, solidly based on scripture and God's power in our lives

    • Teaching that shows the application and relevance of The Bible for life's real issues and questions today, and both challenges and equips us all in our endeavor to live holy lives

    • Loving people of genuine faith and true heart for God and others

    • Groups and classes for all ages and walks of life, to help you and yours learn more, grow in your faith, and get to know others in the church

    • A heart for Hubbard and its surrounding communities, seeking to be involved in area activities and a help to the people

    • A spiritual family where you belong!


What do I need to bring?

Just yourself! And your Bible, if you have one. If not, pew Bibles are always available for use in the sanctuary, and in most of the Sunday School rooms.

How should I dress?

We appreciate modest, respectful dress, but formality on any level is not required. The way a person dresses for church is usually expressive of how they personally feel about worshiping the Lord. To that end, some feel it important to dress up, feeling awe at the greatness of God- while others may express their joy that God accepts us just as we are by dressing more casually. On any given Sunday, you may see a wide variety of dress.

Will I have to sing? What if I don't know what to say or when to stand? What will be expected of me?

Nothing will be expected of you. You may participate in the service as much or as little as you like, but you will not be required to do anything, say anything, or give anything. All the words for the songs are provided, and the congregation may be asked to stand or sit. You may stand or sit, sing or not..whatever you are comfortable with. Just come and be ministered to!

When I get there, where do I go and what do I do?

The main entrance faces Cherry Lane Dr.-this is the sanctuary entrance. It is always a good idea to come a few minutes before scheduled times if possible, to leave time to park, and find your way to the correct area- especially if you are coming for Sunday School, as classes are in various parts of the building. If you cannot make it on time, please don't hesitate to come anyway! Just enter the sanctuary quietly, or an usher can help you find a seat if you like. Sunday mornings at Worship Hour you will be greeted by someone at the door. Hand sanitizer and masks are available at the entrance. Since we no longer pass an offering plate, a locked box with an opening for tithes and offerings is on the table at the entrance. If you come before the previous meeting is over, some seating is available in the lobby while you wait. You may sit wherever you want in the sanctuary but some of the pews have been taped off to allow for social distancing. If you have small children, we encourage you to sit toward the back or at the end of a pew, in the event that you need to step out quietly during the service. Children's Church is during the second service only. Sunday School classes begin at 9:30 and are available for ALL ages. If you are coming for Sunday School, and don't know where to go, any number of people will help you find your way-just ask! For information on Sunday School see our Sunday School Page.

What about children?

Children of all ages are always welcome at any service, Nursery is provided for ages birth-4 years in most regular services, with the exception of Men's and Women's Prayer meetings. Also, children's ministries and youth ministries are often running during the same times. During these times, you may opt to keep your children with you if you like, or let them participate in the program designed for their age group. Our capable and loving workers will be happy to make their visit an enjoyable one, too! For more information on the Nursery and children's programs, see Ministries.

Is There Wheelchair Access?

Yes. Our sanctuary is wheelchair accessible from the lower parking lot. Downstairs classrooms can also be accessed from this entrance. Upstairs classrooms are wheelchair accessible from the upper parking lot,

through the fellowship hall.

What will the service be like?

Sunday morning Worship Hour consists of the following elements, roughly in this order:

    • Greeting

    • Praise and Worship in song

    • Announcements

    • Prayer time

    • Sermon

    • Closing

Occasionally we will have an atypical service to accommodate something special, such as baptism, baby dedications, a missionary's work, highlighting a ministry of the church, or recognition of graduates, servicemen, babies, quizzers, etc.

Our Praise and Worship time is a mix of traditional and contemporary styles, with hymns and contemporary choruses led by a worship leader. Occasionally, there will be special music presentations. We utilize a variety of musical instrumentation, with piano, guitars and drums. Hymnals are available in the pews, and the words to choruses not in the hymnal are typically provided via overhead projector.

Prayer: Our altars are always open for prayer, but a section of the service is set aside for congregational prayer time. During this time, people may pray quietly at their seats, come to the altar and pray alone or for each other or ask for pastoral and/or congregational prayer support. The pastor may anoint that person with oil, if requested. This will never be forced upon anyone. Anyone is welcome to participate in this prayer time as they wish.

Offering: At Hubbard Church of the Nazarene, we consider it an act of worship to give to The Lord. This is purely a free-will act. The Bible says: "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7 Please never feel pressured to give!

For directions and a map, see Map & Directions

Fellowship Hall entrance ►

◄ Sanctuary Entrance