Message Archives

In order to listen to these audio files, click on the "view" link under each date of a message. This will take you to the download page of file hosting, where you can download the file to your computer and listen to it any time you wish. You will need Windows Media Player or a compatible player installed on your computer in order to play the file. When you reach the download page, click the "download" box-it will have the sermon date that matches the sermon you selected-and the file will download automatically. It will not play automatically.

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6-28-09 - Pastor Matt speaks while Pastor Mike is in Florida-Text Luke 17

3-6-11 - Pastor Mike-1st John 1:5-2:2

3-20-11 - Mandy sings Pastor Mike, I John 3

2-27-11 - Faith Promise-Missionary Speakers John and Laurie Wattons

2-20-11 - First week back from Jamaica-Pastor Mike; Luke 22-Last Supper

2-13-11 - Visiting Pastor during the Work and Witness Trip to Jamaica-2nd week

2-06-11 - Visiting Pastor during the Work and Witness Trip to Jamaica-1st week