Regular Events Throughout the Year
The following are some annual events and when they can be expected throughout the year.
Annual Chili Cook-Off (January or February)
Teen Winter "BLAST" [Building Leaders And Sharing Talents] (Talent Show & Leadership Training) and Youth Convention
District: 3rd week in Jan-Qualifies for Regional
Regional: Mid-May
Kids' Valentine Party-February
Easter Sunrise Service-combined service with Corner House Christian and Chestnut Ridge Church of God
30-Hour Famine-March or April
Annual Elections for Board and Delegates to District Assembly-Board to take office May 1st
Baby Day (a day to recognize and honor our babies and the potential they embody)-early May
Men's Rally in the Valley
District Assembly (Pastors of all churches and DIstrict Department Heads give annual reports, District-level voting)
Memorial Roll Sunday (a day to recognize and remember those we have lost in the last year) Memorial Day weekend
Graduation Recognition Sunday-Early June
General Assembly & World Quiz (every 4 years, Reports and voting from around the world, Children's Bible Quizzing Championships: Same week and facilities)
Vacation Bible School
Camps and Camp Meeting (June & July)
Sunday School/All Church Picnic-Early September
Pastor's Break-Away
Kids' Harvest Party-October
Pastor Appreciation Day
NYI Fall Retreat
Christmas Cantata
Kids' Christmas Party-December
Angel Tree Ministries