Nazarene Compassionate Ministries

Hubbard Church of the Nazarene participates in the denomination's Compassionate Ministries program through offerings and time contributions. Below you will find some of the information on the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, as stated on the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries website.


“The Church of the Nazarene believes that Jesus commanded His disciples to have a special relationship to the poor of this world. Holiness, far from distancing believers from the desperate economic needs of people in our world, motivates us to place our means in the service of alleviating such need and to adjust our wants in accordance with the needs of others.” Nazarene Manual 903.4

Compassion arises out of the good news of Christ. It is something that God awakens and works in our daily lifestyle as we respond to the love and grace we have received in our Lord and as we respond to the need of our neighbors. As we live out compassion through our vocations, they become more than just jobs — we respond to God’s gracious calling to live a life that is a witness to God’s love and compassion. Such is the motivation of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries’ (NCM’s) work around the world that would not be possible without the thousands of pastors, laity, and missionaries who are saying “Yes!” to God’s work in the world. This “Yes!” is essential to being Christlike disciples to the nations.

Following the example of Jesus, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries partners with local Nazarene congregations around the world to clothe, shelter, feed, heal, educate, and live in solidarity with those who suffer under oppression, injustice, violence, poverty, hunger, and disease. NCM exists in and through the Church of the Nazarene to proclaim the Gospel to all people.

An important distinctive of NCM is its focus on mobilizing the Church. Our role is not intended to be the “compassionate arm” of the Church of the Nazarene, rather, we are the compassionate conscience, calling the denomination back to its roots in doctrine and deed.

Because of the nature of our mission to mobilize the church, a high priority is given to local congregations that are developing projects within the context of their surrounding communities. The interventions and strategies are as diverse as the needs in each community. This flexible approach to project development allows for creative and effective project implementation catered to the specific context of a community and culture.

Additionally, NCM’s ability to partner and network with global experts and organizations on a wide variety of topics—such as child development, HIV/AIDS prevention, agriculture and clean water projects, emergency relief and more—make us best equipped to serve the needs of the church and extend Christ’s compassion out into the world.

Learn more at Nazarene Compassionate Ministries