Summer Mission Trip

Post date: Mar 31, 2011 12:4:38 AM

The church is organizing a missions trip for our teens this summer to Tennessee. Dates are still being finalized, but the tentative dates are the Aug 14th-20th. They will be staying at the Eagle Ranch, a non-denominational organization that works with groups to facilitate mission work in the Appalachian Mountains. They will be doing anything from carpentry and painting to visiting with the elderly while they are away. The first and last days will be travel days, Monday-Thursday will be ministry days, and Friday will be white-water rafting and a low low-elements rope course. The cost is $400 per student. There is a cost for materials, but the church has funds already set aside. Fundraising is being planned to defray the costs.

All those remotely interested in this trip should attend the parent/student meeting at the church at 7PM, Wed, April 6th If you are unable to attend, but are interested, talk to Pastor Matt right away.-Thank you!