Step Back in Time

Discover a little bit of history that you are not likely to find inside of a history book! See what it was like living many years ago in Hardeman County Tennessee and the surrounding area. Have a glimse of history past by examining over 1,500 old invoice documents and letterheads that were used in business transactions 50 to 175 years ago! See what kinds of businesses were in operation, find out what goods and services they offered, see what prices were way back then and see how those prices have risen over the years.

You might be surprised to learn that some very small towns in Hardeman County Tennessee today were major trading centers in the mid to late 1800's. Some of your ancestors may have owned or worked in one of these places of business and certainly most of them were patrons of these establishments.

Feel free to share this site with others in your community who might enjoy a Step Back in Time.

Click on these links below to go to the city or town of your choice:

Major Towns represented in West Tennessee:

Other Tennessee Towns:

Other States (Al/AR/IL/KY/MD/MS/MO/NY/OH/PA/


Click on these links below to view all of the Hardeman County Estate Invoice scans by DECADE:

Note: Special thanks to the Hardeman County Tennessee Archives and their volunteer staff for allowing us to scan these documents for your use and enjoyment. Preserving history should be everyone's job. If you have digital images or photos of any of these business establishments of yesteryear, please let us scan them so they can be included in this Step Back in Time section under the applicable town.

Click on the Link Below to access these documents in our new Image Database:

Here are FEW simple instructions for navigating these Hardeman County Document screens:

You can drill down from menu by choosing Browse All or Category Pages

>>Browse ALL shows you thumbnails of documents and you can REFINE your

search by selecting a combination of attributes, use the MORE button to see

more items in the listing or even do an Advanced Search for a combination of fields at once.

>>Category Pages view is neat because you can see a Complete Listing of Businesses with counts in alpha sequence, a listing of Cities and States with counts where these documents originated from as well as a listing of years represented by these documents with counts.

Simply click on any individual document for a detailed view.