James P. Ferguson
James P. Ferguson, magistrate of the Second Civil District of Hardeman County and merchant of Hickory Valley, is a native of this county born September 28, 1845, the third of seven children born to Joel and Sarah (Flynt) Ferguson, both natives of Middle Tennessee, the father of Rutherford County, and the mother of Lincoln County. They came in early life to Hardeman County and were there married in 1833. The father was born in 1804, was a farmer, a Democrat, and a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He died October 1, 1862. The mother was born in 1810, was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and died in 1885. James P. received a good practical education, after which he engaged in farming interests for six years. In 1873, in partnership with a brother-in-law, D. W. McAnulty, he established a store in La Grange, Tenn., where they remained one year, when they moved their stock of goods to Hickory Valley, and in about a year’s time Mr. Ferguson sold his interest and for the next three years was not engaged in any special business . In 1877, he was employed by the old firm as bookkeeper and remained with them five years, after which he again became a partner, but on account of ill health was compelled to abandon mercantile life for a time. October, 1885, with a younger brother, Z. L. Ferguson, he established a store at Hickory Valley and has since been one of the active business men of the place. He owns one-half interest in this store and 275 acres of land in Hardeman County. December 10, 1867, Mr. Ferguson married Miss Mary L. Moorman born in 1839, a daughter of Rev. R. A. Moorman of Hardeman County. To this union have been born four children — one son and three daughters. He is a Democrat, a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and for eighteen years has served this church as elder. Mr. Ferguson is mayor of the town and notary public, the duties of which are the same as county court clerk.
Source: “The Goodspeed Publishing Co., History of Tennessee, 1886”