Bolivar Ads in the 1870's
Bolivar was a thriving town in the 1870's. Most of these ads were taken from the Bolivar Bulletin's 1874 weekly editions. They present a vibrant picture of Bolivar less than 10 years after the close of the Civil War in 1865. It must be remembered that the Courthouse in Bolivar was burned in May 1864 and was later replaced by the current courthouse (minus two wings added later) in 1868. Most of the Bolivar businesses around the public square were constructed of wood prior to 1880's.
Here are some of the businesses that were advertising their products and services in the mid-1870's:
Anyone need a lawyer??? Bolivar had more lawyers in 1875 than they have today!
Here is a Drugstore on the East Side of the Square...
Here is another one of this Drugstore's ads...
Here is a great Cooking Stove for you...
Breads and Cakes Available on the South side of the Square...
Here are some Grocery Stores for you ...
Hungry ... here are a couple of Restaurants for you to try!
Thirsty ... try the saloon on South side of the square...
Need a Hotel Room?
Need to park your HORSE or RENT ONE???
What about Carriages, Hardware, Foundry???
Need a Blacksmith, Barber or Shoemaker?
Here are some Ladies Dress Goods and Jewelry...
Need some Wood for your stove?
Some people are just "dying to go" here!
Map of the Bolivar Town Square area in 1886 ...
Shown here are some of the earliest photos of the Hardeman County Courthouse and the Hardeman County Jail in Bolivar
Bolivar Tennessee Population by Decade