William Nuckolls

William Nuckolls, an old and highly esteemed resident of Hardeman County, was born August 15, 1804, in Robertson County, Tenn. His parents were Richard and Temperance (Walton) Nuckolls; both were natives of Virginia and came to Middle Tennessee about 1798. They had a family of five sons and two daughters, our subject being the youngest and only surviving one. He received a very limited education. In 1824, he located in Hardeman County where he has since resided. In 1852, he wedded Zarilda Cotton, who was born in 1818. To them were born six children, of whom two sons and two daughters are living. Mr. Nuckolls was for a short time magistrate, having received his appointment from Brownlow. He has been a Democrat nearly all his life and during the war was a strong Union man. His chief occupation has been the saw-mill business in which he has amassed quite a snug fortune. He is also interested in farming. He began life without capital but by industry and attention to his affairs is now the possessor of about 2,600 acres of fine land. He has lived in Hardeman County many years and is universally regarded as an able, substantial and worthy citizen. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Nuckolls have ever united with any denomination.

Source: “The Goodspeed Publishing Co., History of Tennessee, 1886”