W. W. R. Elliott, Jr.

W. W. R. Elliott, Jr., a leading merchant of Saulsbury, was born May 22, 1839 in Tippah County, Miss. His parents are W. W. R. and Jemima W. Ferguson. His father was born August 14, 1813, McMinnville, Tenn., a son of William and Elizabeth (Wilson) Elliott both natives of North Carolina, born respectively in 1767 and 1775. They immigrated to Tennessee at a very early day and located in Rutherford County, where they lived a number of years. The father died in Henderson County in 1836, and the mother in 1862. W. W. R., who is of Scotch-Irish descent, was raised on a farm. In 1856, he engaged in the wholesale and retail family grocery business, afterward adding a fine drug stock. In February, 1885, he was burned out, a lost a great deal. He is an old and honored citizen, and highly respected. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, a belongs to the Masonic order. Previous to the late war, he was a Whig, but since that time has belonged to no party. November 1, 1838, was married to Miss Jemima W. Ferguson. To them a family of nine children was born: Daniel F.; Mary A. E., wife of L. T. Barden; John W., C. G., Emily, Francis, Virginia T., Alice B. and the subject of this sketch, W. W. R, Jr., who is the third son. When quite young he entered the merchandise business, continuing as a salesman until 1874, which time he embarked in general merchandise and cotton trade Saulsbury, and to the present date has been very prosperous. He married October 29, 1874, to Maggie Brown, of Tippah County, Miss. She is a daughter of Lawson W. and Elizabeth Brown, both natives Mississippi. To Mr. and Mrs. Elliott four children have been born: Lizzie J., Lawson W., Ida May and an infant. Mr. Elliott is a worthy and substantial citizen, and a self-made man, who has accumulated property by economy and industry. He is an esteemed member of Methodist Episcopal Church South, and a strong Democrat.

Source: “The Goodspeed Publishing Co., History of Tennessee, 1886”