William A. May
William A. May, merchant and planter of Hardeman County, is a native of Fayette County, born December 6, 1861, one of two children born to William A. and Mildred (Davis) May. The parents were natives of Virginia and were married in New Castle, Hardeman Co., Tenn., in about 1857. The father was born about 1815, was a Democrat, a merchant and planter, and died in Fayette County, Tenn., in 1885. He was a prominent member of the Missionary Baptist Church. The mother was born about 1840, was a highly cultured lady, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Her death occurred in Fayette County, June 2,1877. The subject of this sketch received good educational advantages, was educated at Culleoka, Tenn., and University of Alabama. After completing his education, he was engaged in farming interest for two years with good success. In 1879, in partnership with W. T. Scott, he established a store of general merchandise in Hickory Valley, and has since been an active and successful businessman. Mr. O. B. Polk has recently entered this firm. Mr. May owns one-third interest in this house. He also owns 3,000 acres of land in Hardeman and Fayette Counties. February 26, 1884, he married Miss Annie Morgan, an accomplished lady, a native of Memphis, Tenn. They have a child, William A., born January 15, 1885. Mr. May is a Democrat in politics, and he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church.
Source: “The Goodspeed Publishing Co., History of Tennessee, 1886”