T. A. Parran

T. A. Parran, farmer of Hardeman County, was born June 18, 1829, in Memphis and received a rather limited education. On reaching manhood, he began his career as a farmer, which he has continued up to the present. In 1848, he married Maria Wood, a native of Hardeman County, born in August, 1830, and to them were born three children: David, Anna and Thomas C. Both he and wife and all the children are members of the Presbyterian Church. In politics, Mr. Parran has always been a Democrat. He is not one who aspires to places of public trust. but performs the duties of a public-spirited citizen. He holds the position of alderman of the town of Bolivar. In 1875, he came to this town and has been engaged to some extent in selling machinery in partnership with his son David. His chief occupation is superintending his plantation, which consists of 1,200 acres. He has made this county his home the principal part of his life, and is considered an excellent citizen. His parents, Thomas O. and Anna (Carr) Parran, were natives of Calvert County, Md., and Albemarle County, Va., respectively. They were married in Memphis and to this union was born one child, a son. By occupation the father was a journalist, having established one of the first newspapers of Memphis. He died while in the prime of life, and his widow soon followed him.

Source: “The Goodspeed Publishing Co., History of Tennessee, 1886”