R. M. Wright

R. M. Wright, a member of the prominent firm of Wright & Durden, of Saulsbury, was born December 3, 1834, in Madison County, Ala. His parents were John and Hannah (Moore) Wright. His father is supposed to have emigrated from Ireland to Virginia at an early day, and moved to Alabama, where he died about 1837. The mother was a native of Alabama and died when our subject was a very small child. R. M. worked on a farm until about nineteen years of age, at which time he obtained a situation as clerk in the drug store of W. B. Wright & Co. of Memphis. As he had almost no early educational advantages, he had to work for his board and clothes half of the day and night, attending the public schools of the city the remainder of the day. Thus he struggled on, applying himself every spare moment to study, until he has acquired a valuable and practical store of information. September, 1857, he came to Saulsbury and engaged as a salesman for A. G. Dennis & Co., for the small amount of $150 per annum. This place he kept until the war. He entered the Confederate service in Company C, of the Twenty-second Tennessee Regiment. He was appointed sergeant by Gen. Bragg, which position he retained during the conflict. He participated actively in all the engagements into which his command was drawn, but met with no serious accident. After the surrender he returned to Memphis and clerked for Taylor, McEwen & Co. for a short time. August, 1865, he secured a place with W. W. R. Elliott of Saulsbury. January, 1867, he formed a partnership with W. Durden and established a store, where they have since been engaged, and with no small amount of success. Mr. Wright is today one of the most solid and honored citizens in the community. He began life without capital and with little education, but had sufficient ambition and courage to overcome the difficulties with which he was surrounded. He is an elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity and Knights of Honor (K. of H.) He is a stanch Democrat. August, 1865, he was married to Samuella Bunting, a daughter of Samuel and Eliza Bunting. This union resulted in the birth of four children. Mrs. Wright died August, 1874. January 28, 1875, Mr. Wright wedded Maggie Williams, a daughter of Joe C. and Mary Ross (Lake) Williams. This second union has been blessed with two sons and two daughters.

Source: “The Goodspeed Publishing Co., History of Tennessee, 1886”