Dr. John S. Robertson

Dr. John S. Robertson, a farmer and retired physician of Whiteville, was born July 7, 1819, in Wake County, N.C., the only surviving member of a family of nine children born to John and Mary (Barham) Robertson. The father was a native of the same State and county as his son. The mother was born in Virginia, but immigrated with her parents when a small child to North Carolina, where she was married. Both were of Scotch-Irish extraction. In 1820, they moved to Madison County, Tenn., being among the first settlers west of the Tennessee River. They were not connected with any church, but were honorable and respected people. The father was a Whig; during his entire life was a planter and very prosperous. He employed a large number of hands. His death occurred in 1821, after which the mother lived with her family until 1852, when she departed this life. The subject of this sketch was raised on a farm and educated in the old field schools. About the time he attained his majority, he began the study of medicine; afterward took a course in the Ohio Eclectic Medical School at Cincinnati, where he graduated in 1844. He immediately began to practice in Henderson County, and in 1848 located in Hardeman County, three miles west of Whiteville, where he engaged in the exercise of his profession, and also agriculture, meeting with success in each. In 1870, he moved into the town, where he has since resided. For fifteen years he was postmaster, at same time keeping a drug store. After thirty-four years of active and profitable practice, he retired from his professional duties in 1880, and since that time has been giving his attention to his plantations. He owns some 700 acres of valuable land. Before the war, he was a Whig but since that time has affiliated with the Democratic party. In 1844, the Doctor married Miss Amanda M. Wood, born in Henderson County, October 1, 1826. To their union three sons and one daughter were born: Andrew L., who was in the army under Gen. Forrest’s command, and was killed at the battle of Memphis; Eugenia C., Christopher W., also in Forrest’s command; and John B. Mrs. Robertson was a true Christian woman, an earnest member of the Methodist Church. Her death occurred in 1860. Three years later the Doctor wedded Miss Nannie M. Carnes, who was born April 4, 1835. This marriage resulted in the birth of two children: Mary W. and Carnes. The Doctor and Mrs. Robertson are active and esteemed members of the Methodist Church.

Source: “The Goodspeed Publishing Co., History of Tennessee, 1886”