Hiram B. Wynne

Hiram B. Wynne, a prominent merchant of Whiteville, was born February 16, 1851, in Humphreys County, Tenn. His parents were John W. and Frances S. (Traylor) Wynne. The father was born in Benton County, Tenn., in 1818, and the mother in Humphreys County, same year. John W. was a captain of flatboats, owning an interest in some of them. In his early life he was rather careless of his means, which rendered him an objectionable suitor, but he afterward settled down and became one of the best men in the community. Of the eight children born to their union, two sons and one daughter are living. In politics Mr. Wynne was a Jacksonian Democrat and a strong Union man. His wife was a true, good woman. She never united with any church. The subject of this sketch was raised and received an excellent education in his native county, remaining at home until 1878, when he began life for himself. In 1879 he married Miss Annie Sedden, born July 20, 1861. Their family consists of Willie B., Albert E. and Annie C. Mrs. Wynne is an estimable lady and sincere member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The year of his marriage Mr. Wynne opened a first-class grocery store, and in June, 1886, he purchased a drug stock of Mitchell and another of Robertson. Both houses are in a flourishing condition and receiving an extensive patronage. He is also interested in farming. He is the postmaster of Whiteville, and well versed in law, practicing in the magistrate’s office. He has been a resident of Hardeman County eleven years, and with the exception of a short period, closely associated with the commercial interests of the town in which he lives, and is regarded as one of the most substantial, enterprising and upright citizens. He is a stanch Democrat.

Source: “The Goodspeed Publishing Co., History of Tennessee, 1886”