Quiet Reflection

Every year during the holiday season, I get asked often what I do on New Year's Eve. I know that for some it's a time for partying. There are always lots of downtown parties. Lots of cities even provide free bus rides. Taxi companies make a killing. Uber and Lyft report it as one of their most profitable nights of the year. Others spend the evening at church. The service is normally called a "Watch Night" service. The participants thank God for the blessings they received during the course of the year and thank Him for allowing them to see another year. In the black community the next day is normally followed by eating black-eyed peas and greens. It's supposed to bring good luck for the coming year. It's a tradition that goes way back. Click here to learn more.

However, I do nothing like that. For the last three decades, or more, I've spent New Year's Eve by myself. I normally read back over the journal I keep. I try to refresh myself on all of the events that occurred that year. Some big. Some small. Some I had totally forgotten. I then simply write a "Year In Review". I write down how things turned out and what hits or misses I encountered. I then write down a "Things To Come" section where I outline things I hope to accomplish in the coming year. For instance, for 2014 I said that I'd look for a new job. Sure enough, I looked for and acquired a new job in Oklahoma. Little did I know that I wouldn't like Oklahoma (work or at home) at all (not that I liked Alabama either). In 2013, I knew I wanted to run more 5K races. I did that. I ran over 18 that year. Nothing ground breaking was recorded for 2017. I wanted to race a bit more and publish a paper I'd been thinking about for a dozen years.

Some say it's boring to spend my time on such a festive occasion alone in quiet contemplation but it works well for me. I gain great perspective about myself and I don't spend time around a bunch of people that I normally wouldn't be around otherwise. The social aspects of parties or church or some other event aren't lost on me. It's just that it's a great way for me to get a handle on what really matters in my life.

I wonder what you do. I know there are only about 5 people who have ever read this blog but feel free to comment on this or any of my blog posts. I can be reached at: garyhoover2012 at gmail dot com.