Oklahoma City Energy

On the 4th of August 2015, I went to my first "professional" soccer match in the United States. I've been to many in Europe but never managed to make it to one here in the US. The team, the OKC Energy, is a minor league soccer club in town.

I actually had a fun time even though only about 2,000 people showed up and the stadium holds about 7,500.

The more interesting thing to me was that people were there to have fun and lots of families were there. I've been to many pro basketball, baseball, and football games and it always appeared that it was a fashion show or showcase for women to show just how skanky they could dress. No one had high fashion (it was a toasty 94 degrees when the game started) and mostly dressed to be comfortable and cool. Will I go again? Probably, I could think of worse ways to waste 15 bucks. I did find the chants hilarious. I could go back just to learn new ways to insult opposing teams.

Click here to see my ticket.


I snapped a couple pictures with my phone. 

Pic 1

Pic 2