Community Theatre

In January of 2018 I was invited to go see a colleague of mine, Michael Kramer, perform in a play. Apparently, he had been acting in different productions for decades. I wasn't aware of that but given that he's a communications professor, I guess shouldn't have been surprised. It was a two man play titled Ages of the Moon. I was simply blown away. I have no idea how he remembered all of those lines. The play lasted about 90 minutes and given that it was community theater, there wasn't any real action. Just amazing how he could remember and say so much dialogue. I always thought of acting myself but never had the gumption to do anything about it. He has a full time job as a professor and department chair. Where did he find the time?

The play was in the Carpenter Theatre in OKC. On my morning runs, I've been running past this place for years and never noticed it. I always thought it was a factory. It's not very big. I bet it only can seat about 50 people. That means that the audience is right on top of the performers. That led to a strange incident where this one young lady had a very loud and inappropriate laugh. She didn't giggle. She didn't snort. Her laugh was to say the words HA HA HA. Just like that. I wish I had some audio because it would be the same as if someone would simply say the words LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH instead of actually laughing.

As you can see, the play was supposed to be a comedy/drama. About 20 minutes before the end, the same woman starts sobbing loudly and uncontrollably. Nothing in the play was that deep. Really? The performers and everyone in the small space could hear her. Two words "crack head."Â