April 28th 2019 OKC Half Marathon

As the four people who read this blog know, I was on a quest to run a half marathon in under 2 hours. My first attempt in 2017 ended with me missing the mark with a time of 2:02. I tried again in 2018 but missed even worse with a time of 2:15. Well, I tried again in 2019 and missed with a time of 2:09. As of this writing, I won't try again. Click here and here and here to see some pictures. 

If you've read any of my previous blog posts you know that I suffered injuries to my feet and calves the last two attempts. To avoid that happening in 2019 I changed up my training strategy. It actually worked given that I was not hurt going into the race or after. Just a lot of soreness in my right big toe and my right knee. I started training earlier for the race. A full 2 months earlier. I controlled my diet better and did more hill training. 

The day of the race saw pretty decent weather. The temps never got above 63 while we were out there. There was a pretty substantial headwind coming out of the north and east but given how much the wind blows in Oklahoma, it wasn't that bad. The race course had been changed for 2019 from the previous years as they were awaiting construction of a new park which would serve as the permanent start and finish line. I will say that the temporary course was much more hilly but that's just how races go. In the end, I was sad that I missed the mark again but I knew I gave it my all. In fact, I probably gave it more than my all. I was pretty weak and out of breath at times. 

As you all know, I really don't like running. I amaze myself (and others) every morning that I go out to run given how much I despise the event. However, I've comprised a small list of other things I hate when I'm racing or just out running

1) Mucus: I don't know if I am allergic to running or what but every time I go out, massive amounts of mucus build up in my nose. It's either coming out my nose and down my face or back down my throat. Yes, I'm that guy shooting snot-rockets out of each nostril or practically gaging as I'm spitting that stuff out every 7 feet. People look at me disgusted as if I'm not disgusted with myself. 

2) Cheering People: I really hate people on the street cheering. Especially those who say things like "keep going!" or the ever present "run!". Like I didn't know that already. I wish that when I ran past, everyone simply turned their backs on me and let me suffer in silence. I especially hate seeing some fat guy with a thermos of coffee and a McDonalds breakfast sandwich telling me I'm doing great. I want to slap you on the head with that sandwich.

3) Cheerful runners: They come in many varieties but I hate them all. There are the people running past you as you're walking and tell you that you're doing great. Like they don't see me near death. There are the people who run in groups who can run faster than you and still keep up a conversation with each other. Shut up! There are the people who have those damn baby strollers with children in there who they have to coax into sitting who still "enjoy" running. If I weren't so tired and slow, I'd catch you and break your legs. I also hate slow runners, fast runners, and mid runners. Basically anyone who likes it. 

4) Picture Posers: I really hate some schmuck who looks like death warmed over but once they see a camera they perk up and even fake a smile like we're having a great time. If they are having a great time, I hate them. If they aren't having a great time, stop pretending!

5) Kids With Signs: Kids will hold up signs with messages like "Tap here to Power up" or "You're beating everyone behind you". I know it's cute and they stand on the side of the road for high fives but I really just want to punt one of those little bastards across the street. I really need to stop running.

6) Car Horn Honkers: People think it's encouraging to honk their horns in the car when you are running past. Mostly it scares the crap out of runners and even when it doesn't, it is NOT helping. 

7) Run Blockers: These are people who seem to sprint right in front of you then decide they've done enough and either stop or slow down causing you to run around or over them. Are handguns allowed at road races?

8) Ethnicity: There were over 25,000 people out there racing. I swear there weren't 200 black people there. In a previous blog post I linked to an article about why you don't see more black people running. That is really, really annoying. It's especially annoying when you get the look. The look which asks "who told you that you could come out here?". Give me a break. 

There are many more things that I'll come back and add later. I just don't want to leave you with idea that I'm not a bitter old guy who should pick up another hobby. 

Got a comment? Email me at: garyhoover2012 at gmail.com