Two economists walk into a news station...

The title might seem like the beginning of a bad joke. In most cases it probably would be. Not this time. In February of 2017, I was invited by my former colleague, Will Clark, to visit the station where his wife worked as the evening anchor for local news at KFOR.

I must say that it was an impressive operation to put the show on the air. There is editing, and graphics, and producers, and all types of things going on.

What most surprised me was how noisy things are, even when they are broadcasting live. There are production guys standing not more than 10 feet from the "on air talent" just talking it up. I was on the other side of the studio and could hear them as clear as day. How that doesn't get picked up and broadcast is a mystery to me. I know that some producer is talking into the ear piece of the anchors but I figured everyone must remain totally silent.

It made me really nervous that I'd sneeze and it would get picked up. That is just not the case. In fact, the anchors talk to each other and the reporters and anyone else who they get a hankering to talk to right as the broadcast is going on. However, the moment the camera comes on, you'd never know that 5 seconds before that they were joking with me about a rodent infestation in the building. Amazing.

Click here for a picture of me and Will.

Click here for a picture of me.