In January of 2018, I went to the annual MLK Day Parade held in Oklahoma City. I've linked several pictures below. It was a cold, cold day. The winds were blowing at 22 miles per hour (not surprising in Oklahoma) and the temperature was 19 degrees. Needless to say, I've had better parade experiences. I'll list my thoughts of the event, in no particular order.

1) I found it very odd that Oklahoma City would have a day to honor Dr. King. I can not think of a city or state less inclusive or out of line with the teachings of the man. You can look back at some of my older blog posts about how race plays out around there.

2) I was really surprised by how many black people there were at the parade. In fact, I didn't know there were that many black people in the entire state.

3) Having a Trump/Pence float in an MLK Parade is just wrong.

4) I was really surprised by the amount of free candy that the various groups gave out. I've never been to a parade where people just walk down the sides giving out free candy, coupons, and election junk.

5) Never have a parade when the temperature is below 32 degrees. The parade lasted for 90 minutes. My toes froze in 20. My fingers followed about 30 minutes later. 

Click here to see pictures from the parade.