Man Thoughts

Recently, I was talking to my good friend Jim about a mistake he made when shopping for his wife. It made me think of a "mistake" that I supposedly made with my college girlfriend, but I'm still not sure what I did wrong.

Apparently, Jim was trying to buy his wife some clothes for either a birthday or Mother's Day or something. Anyway, he knew she wanted to start working out again so he went to look for gym clothes. Not wanting to risk getting a size that would be too large or too small for her, he bought some that were expandable. He figured that these stretchy fabrics would cover a range of sizes. Unfortunately for Jim, he bought her a pair of maternity pants.

Jim had no idea why his wife would be upset about these pants. They looked warm and of sturdy material. They had a nice color pattern. They were affordable. Sometimes, men just have different thought patterns. I was with Jim on this one. His wife? Not so much.

I believe the swelling has gone down on his eye. By the way, this is a true story (except for the eye part).

Now, on to my own sorted tale.

Back in college I was dating Angie. Well, one day I asked her if she had two dollars and if she wanted to go play mini-golf. She said that she did on both counts. I said great and picked her up. When we got to the counter to purchase our games, the guy asked for $4. Angie gave the guy her two bucks and then I gave the guy a coupon for a buy-one-get-one-free round. Angie freaks out. She yells at me and says a lot of things I won't write in this blog. To this day, 30 years later, I still don't get it. I never told her that I had two bucks. I just asked her if she did. What difference did it make anyway? Most people that know me, know this story about the mini-golf and I've yet to find a soul that understands my side.

By the way, not long after that Angie broke up with me. WTF?

Got any thoughts on the matter (or anything on this blog)? Send an email to me at: garyhoover2012 [at]