Fancy Poop

In the fall of 2015 I moved into a new place. It was a pretty standard two-bedroom with 2.5 bathrooms house. However, the guy that lived here before me seemed to spend a lot of time in the bathroom. So much so that he had a crazy fancy toilet installed. A toilet is a toilet. They all do the same thing and there’s no way around that.

I asked myself “who spends that much money on a freakin’ toilet?” Well, since I bought the house with this thing in it, apparently me.

When people come over to visit, the first thing they ask about is the toilet. I’ve given tours of my house that included showing people a toilet. What is wrong with this world?

So look at the video below to get an idea of what a toilet looks like that has two bidets, a radio/MP3 player, a heater, flushes itself, cleans itself, has a fan, and light show.

Click here to see a video from Youtube.