Down goes Hoover! Down goes Hoover! Down goes Hoover!

On September 19th of 2017 I got up to run as I do on most Tuesdays. This day was a lot different. I had been neglecting to drink enough water for a couple days prior. Sure, I was drinking water but not enough. I had orange juice and other liquids the night before but nothing that morning. 

My normal routine is to get up and immediately have about 12 ounces of water. If I'm still feeling parched I might supplement it with another 8 ounces. On this morning I was in a hurry to get out so that I could get the run over with. If you've ever read this blog before, you know I don't like running. I figured that I'd hydrate when I got back home. 

From the onset of the run I was feeling pretty miserable. Worst than normal. It was already hot, even though the sun hadn't come up and really, really humid. By the time I finished the first 1.5 miles I was ready to quit. Instead I pushed on. By the time I finished 3 miles I was feeling sort of dizzy if I looked down. At 3.5 miles I had one small hill left before I got home. I normally only do 4 miles a day so I was close. 

As I started up the hill I knew something was off. I was dizzy and a bit short of breathe. I had to stop running. That's actually not uncommon. However, this day I had to sit down. That has never happened. I sat on the curb near a parking garage to gather my senses. It was so hot and humid out there that I was just drenched in sweat. It was taking a long time to shake off the dizziness and clear my head. I actually thought I was still sitting on the curb recovering. The next thing I knew I was waking up on the side walk. Apparently, I passed out. I couldn't have been out for more than a minute. I distinctly remember dreaming. 

I got up and dusted myself off. I actually stood up and felt fine. I felt like I could have kept running but didn't want to push it. Instead I walked home and started sucking down as much water as I could stand. Given that I went through nearly 3/4th a gallon without any desire to use the restroom, it was clear that I was running on empty. That will not happen again.I would have been scared but I wasn't since I have no idea what happened. 

I was already sitting so I didn't crack my head or anything. Apparently, I tried to catch my fall and have a small nick on my left wrist. I also have a scratch on my left shoulder. 

Click here to see my scratch on the shoulder. Click here to see my wrist. 

Note to self: Drink more water!!!!