I've heard of slow mail but this is ridiculous

On May 19th of 2017, I made a trip over to London to give a talk at the University of Westminster. I was already in Europe teaching in Germany so it was a quick trip.

As I always do, I stopped off to buy postcards. I know I'm the only person on the planet who still sends postcards but I like the personal touch. It shows concern to find postcards, write a personalized message, then hunt down a post office. Of course, I still put pictures and such on this website but I like the effort it takes for the postcards. I think people appreciate it. Plus, only 4 people read this blog anyway. 

It normally takes between 7 and 10 days for my postcards to arrive here in the US. However, time was dragging on and none of the postcards that I sent from London arrived. I assumed that they had been lost.

However, on August 12, 2017, I started getting messages that the London postcards were reaching their destinations. Wow, that's a long lag. What was the problem? Apparently, they had been shipped to the Philippines!! Then, they were re-routed to the US. 

So what could possibly explain how a clearly labeled postcard gets sent to the other side of the world? 

1) I'm an international spy and I really was in the Philippines and forgot my location.

2) The UK outsources all of its mail delivery to the Philippines. 

3) My handwriting is really bad.

Click here to see the proof.

Got any other suggestions about how this happened? Email me at: garyhoover2012 [at] gmail.com