A: Inquiring and analysing

Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem

  1. Re-write the task in your own words
    • What are you being asked to do and why?

Construct a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem

What do you need to know?

What should you find out about in order to design and make an analogue clock?

Copy & complete the following table & highlight the primary & secondary sources:

Inquiry Questions:

  • What are design movements?
  • How could you describe the 3 design movements that we are looking at? (Memphis, Bauhaus, Arts & Crafts)
  • What is CAD/CAM?
  • What do you need to use CAD/CAM?
  • What are the dimensions of your clock mechanism and hands? How will this impact on your design?

Analyse similar products

  1. Examine 2-3 different analogue clock designs. Take screen shots of each and annotate highlighting:
    • Aesthetics (colour, style)
    • Form; in terms of size, shape and the different parts
    • Function; how do you tell the time? wall mounted?
    • Graphic designs?
    • Materials used
    • Is it cool? Why?
  2. Choose one of the design movements that you like and create a mood board. You could use Pinterest!
  3. So what? What ideas can you use?

Present the main findings of relevant research

  1. Write a short conclusion (2-3 paragraphs) of your research into design movements, CAD/CAM, clock design and the importance of aesthetics in design.
  2. Describe your chosen design movement. How will this effect your project?
  3. In general terms, describe the clock you will design. (Mini design brief: what, why and who)
Year 8 Criterion A