Ergonomic Pen Challenge


We live in a disposable society where cheap plastic products are bought, used up and thrown away. This is not environmentally sustainable and has not always been the case. Products were designed to last a long time and that is why people bought them. Today products are designed to be as cheap as possible, and to quickly become obsolete, then thrown away. There is a push today for hand made, high quality products that last a long time.

Your task is to design and create an innovative, customized ergonomic pen for your own personal use, designed to fit your writing style. You will need to take into account your own anthropometric data and design accordingly.

Ergonomics is about 'fit': the fit between people, the things they do, the objects they use and the environments they live in. Designing products that are more comfortable to use, means people can do things more easily, and therefore make fewer mistakes. When it comes to writing, comfort is very important!

How would an ergonomic pen help students do you think?

Can one pen rule them all?

Key Terms:




