A: Inquiring and analysing

Explain and justify the need

  1. Re-write the task in your own words
    • What are you being asked to do and why?

Identify and prioritize the research

What do you need to know?

What should you find out about in order to design a innovative ergonomic pen?

Copy & complete the following table:

Inquiry Questions:

  • What is obsolescence? Why would manufactures make products that don't last very long and break easily?
  • What is ergonomics and why is it important in design?
    • Skills needed. What are the making skills that I might need to know in order to make this pen?
    • What woodworking tools are available? How do you use them?

Complete the following:

What anthropometric data would be useful for this project? Why?

Gather the data by finding out your:

    • Finger and thumb length
  • Finger and thumb tip size
  • Hand span
  • Contact points when holding a pen
  • Other?

Analyse similar products

Looking at similar products is a useful form of research.

You can learn quickly about the different methods and techniques used to solve a problem similar to your own. This leaves you in a good starting point to think about your own solution.

Find pictures of ergonomic pens and other ergonomic products and annotate thoroughly. Use the internet, magazines, books or photograph real items. Be sure to reference where you got the images. (Google is NOT a reference!)

Present the main findings of relevant research

Write a short conclusion (2-3 paragraphs) of your research into ergonomics, product analysis (ergonomic products) and anthropometrics.

How will all this effect your design?

Year 7 Criterion A. Egro Pen