Unit 1: Outcome 3

AREA OF STUDY 3 - ICT in a global society


On completion of this unit the student should be able to contribute collaboratively to the design and development of a website

that presents an analysis of a contemporary ICT issue and substantiates the team’s point of view.

The site should focus on:

  • the nature of a contemporary issue associated with the context
  • legal, social, environmental and ethical reasons for the issue arising
  • types and capabilities of technology associated with the context
  • types of key stakeholders, such as individuals, organisations and governments, and their responsibilities
  • positive and negative opinions of each stakeholder on the issue

Stakeholders are those who are affected by the issue, for better or worse. They stand to gain or lose depending on how the issue turns out.

Check list for assessment:

  1. Use visualising thinking tools and techniques to assist in formulating team opinions.
  2. Design a survey to generate primary information about your issue:
  3. Use spreadsheet software to analyse acquired primary data and generate graphs
  4. Create a Gantt Chart to manage the project and to allocate tasks for the group members.
    1. Design the website (site map, layout aesthetics and content) Use Mockingbird perhaps
  5. Create the website which should include videos, interviews, presentation of data, conclusions etc. Use MS FrontPage or Dreamweaver.
  6. Students apply the design and development stages of the problem-solving methodology when creating a website.
  7. Record your progress as the website is being created.

Contemporary IT Issues


  • Consider the use of robots in a military sense
  • Manufacturing and in industry
  • Medical applications
  • Search & rescue
  • Toys & entertainment
  • Lifestyle

Robotic in the Military

Social Networking:

  • Connecting with people
  • Keeping up
  • Dating
  • Bulling
  • Sharing ideas/info
  • Security of personal info?

Games & Gaming:

  • Game addiction
  • Games in Education
  • The gaming industry
  • MMOG
  • Ethical issues (inappropriate games)


  • Buying and Paying issues (security)
  • Spam
  • Phishing
  • Privacy
  • Shopping Cart Technology

Cloud Computing:

  • Business applications
  • Security
  • Costs
  • Flexibility
  • Data ownership
  • Collaboration


Exemplar student made sites.






DUE DATE: 14/3/2014


Assessment Tasks: Initial Analysis

1. Create a MindMap or other visual thinking tool to explore the issues around your chosen topic. Consider using Mindjet Mindmanager which is available from the Software Centre or any number of on-line tools. Spicynodes, Coogle Bubbl.us or Chrome App Connected Mind. Your chosen issue will be at the centre with stakeholders, legal, social, environmental, ethical plus 2-3 other areas of your own explored.

2. Once your issue has been decided upon and the focus of your research determined you should design a survey to gather primary information about this issue from the stakeholders. Identify who are the stakeholders and how this issue affects them. Consider using Google Forms or SurveyMonkey.

Think about your questions carefully (How to write a survey) and present your results using graphs and/or charts. Avoid leading questions and

Draw conclusions for these results. What have your learnt? How will this influence the content of your website?

3. Supporting documentation. You will need to create document to accompany your website. This could be completed a an additional page of your site, or submitted as a Word.doc. Your 'IT solution' is a website that explore one issue relating to ICT in a global society which should contain 3-4 pages exploring different aspects of this issue.

Answer the following questions based upon your research into the topic.

Determining the solution (your web site) requirements.

–What information does the solution have to provide?

–What data is needed to produce the information?

–What functions does the solution have to provide?

Identifying the constraints on the solution.

What conditions need to be considered when designing a solution?

Requirements of the user

Software & hardware needed



Determining the scope of the solution

–What can the solution do? What can’t the solution do?

–What are the benefits of the solution to the user?


Design The Solution

As a team, you should allocate design tasks and then come together to discus your progress. Use a Gantt Chart to work out all the task/jobs that need doing and when they need to be completed. You can then allocated team member to complete set tasks.

Consider using a shared spreadsheet, or an on-line Gantt Chart solution. Toms Planer perhaps.

Check Moodle and the text book for more info....

Begin with simple sketches on paper to decide and a team things like:

  • Landing page layout
  • Number of pages and broad content
  • Site map (navigation)
  • Colours, fonts, images and general aesthetics.

Consider using Mockingbird to formalise your design ideas.

Evaluation Criteria

Determining the evaluation criteria. What measures will be used to judge whether or not the solution requirements have been met?

These criteria should relate to the solution requirements identified in the analysis stage.

Look at the example student work and evaluate these. How can we evaluate the success of these sites?

Is the site easy to navigate? (Layout)

Does it follow website conventions?

Is the information accessible?

Does the site get the message across?

Are there any technical faults?



You need to create your site!

Collaborating in teams, following your Gantt chart planning and using your designs, build the site.

For this assignment I will ask you to use either MS FrontPage or Dreamweaver.

You should have it installed on your computer...if not please contact IT Support right now!

When complete, you can up-load you complete website and all associated assets to myweb.

FrontPage Tutorials:

Electric Teacher

Teach ICT

Check Moodle for more info....