B: Developing Ideas

Write a design brief.

You have been given a description of the task and why a re-deign of chess is needed.

You should now make some decisions about who you will design for. Write a design brief that outlines the design task at hand.

Guiding questions:

Who will be your target market?

What theme/style will you design with?What exactly are you being asked to design?

Develop a list of success criteria for the solution

Copy and complete the table bellow onto your site. This will act as a check list for you design ideas.

Present feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others

There are 6 different pieces that need to be re-designed. King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook and Pawn. You might also choose to re-design the board, but this is optional.

You need to generate designs for each piece. You should come up with 2 different chess re-design concepts, each presented on a single sheet of A3 paper. Remember that these design ideas need to be made using 3D printing! Complex designs are discouraged. Simple sketches with annotation and explanations are what is needed at this step..

Give and receive feedback on designs.

Present the chosen design

Evaluate your design ideas using the design specification above. Take into consideration this evaluation and the option of others to make your decision about which design of develop.

Write a paragraph outlining the reasons your final choice. Why is this idea better that other ideas?

Create your 6 designs design sketches to the best of your ability. These should be best quality and professionally presented.

Remember that you have to design the chess board as well!

Create a planning drawing/diagram which outlines the main details for making the chosen solution.

You have access to instructional videos and step-by-step guides of how you create digital versions of designs ready for rapid prototyping.