Schools - Teachers - Principals

History of Schools in Cleveland

One of the first schools in the city of Cleveland was taught by Miss Sarah Doan in what was then known as the Kingsbury neighborhood near the corner of Kinsman and Woodland Heights Avenues. Another early school was mentioned in 1814 with a Mr. Capman being the teacher.

1817 - The Village of Cleveland returned money to subscribers. This money was meant to be used for a school house. At this time the Village of Cleveland became the sole proprietor of the school. The school building was located on St. Clair in the lot that now occupies Kennard House. The building was owned by Cleveland but the school was not free. The population grew and a new school was later built across the street. This school was known as Cleveland Academy and was completed in 1821.

1825 - A young ladies academy was established

1833-1834 - A Sunday School was organized in the old Bethel Church. It was supported by voluntary contributions and was a charity school called "The Free School"

1836 - The first Public School was held in the old Bethel Chapel in 1836, at the corner of Diamond and Superior Street hill. This was for the poor only.

1836 - A system of public education was adopted when the City Charter was organized. Before this date, schools were supported by private enterprise. Cleveland voted to continue the free school being held in the Bethel Chapel - known as the Ragged School. The first principal was R.L. Gazlay. The number of students attending this school in 1836 was 229. In October of 1836, the Board of Managers was appointed. They began their work but had not as yet passed any ordinance establishing a "school system".

1837 - Ordinance passed to establish common schools and have the school committee lease buildings for school purposes (3 schools founded at this time)

1837/1838 - The report from the Board of Managers stated that at the commencement of last year the Bethel Free School was in operation, supported by the city. It had two departments, one for boys and one for girls. There were 140 pupils eligible to attend and average attendance was 90.

By November of 1837, there were now six schools in three wards

By April of 1838, there were now eight schools with 468 people attending

By May of 1838, there were 9 schools and 823 people attending

By October of 1838, there were 840 people attending

1839 - Cleveland purchased the Academy Building that they had previously rented. There were other schools in rented rooms and small buildings. One school was in a room in the Farmer's Block (now the Cleveland Hotel) and another was on High Street. Others were located in an old paint shop and a grocery store.

In the Spring of 1839, two lots were purchased on Rockwell and on Prospect in order to build two schools. Both of these schools were completed in 1840.

In 1840 there were 6 official schools. These schools all had separate boys and girls departments. Male teachers instructed the boys and females instructed the girls. At Rockwell, Prospect and West St. Clair Academy, there were also separate departments for primary grades and senior grades.


N.A. Gray

Elizabeth Armstrong

Abby Fitch

Louisa Kingsbury


A. Freese

Sophia Converse

Emma Whitney

Sarah Thayer


George Yates

Louisa Snow

Julia Butler

Caroline Belden


F.J. Blair

Maria Sheldon


Eliza Johnson


No teacher's name found

1841 - Bethel School moved to Champlain and Seneca Streets.

1846 - Central High School was established. Rooms were rented in the Universalist Church on Prospect Street which is now owned and occupied by the Homeopathic Medical College. A later school was built in spring of 1856.

By 1847 the following schools existed: Central High, Vineyard Lane, Prospect St., Rockwell, St. Clair and Kinsman.

1849 - Champlain Street School erected

In 1850, the following schools were operating (teachers shown):

CENTRAL HIGH - A. Freese and Catherine Jennings

PROSPECT - L.M. Oviatt, Sophia Hickox, Mary Doane, Eliza Corlett

ROCKWELL - R.F. Humiston, Nancy Merrill, Sarah Brown, Olive Meech

WEST ST. CLAIR - Richard Fry, Maria Kingsbury, Miss Sutherland, Miss Tabor

CHAMPLAIN - W.G. Lawrence, Julia Hamm, Anna Duffy, Lovira Smith, Mary Southworth

KINSMAN - Miss Humphrey, Louisa Oviatt, Joanna Fry

EAST ST. CLAIR - Jane Williams, Georgia Chapman, Mary Haver

1851 - Brownell School erected

1852 - Mayflower Street School erected

1853 - Office of Superintendent of Instruction created - Andrew Freese was the first Superintendent

1854 - C.D. Brayton was on the Committee of Visitors

1854 - Ohio City was annexed by the City of Cleveland. At that time there were 2,438 children of school age with 800 registered in public school and another 200 in private schools.

1854 - Pearl Street, Hicks Street and Kentucky Street Schools were erected

By 1856, the following schools existed:








East St. Clair

West St. Clair







Case Ave.

Ann and State





St. Clair 7th Ward


1859 - Hudson Street School erected (now Sterling St.)

By 1859 there was a West High School and an East High School.

1861 - Hicks School burned down and was replaced.

1861 - Cedar School was removed to Hudson Street

1863 - Bradburn Street School erected

1867 - East Cleveland annexed to City of Cleveland

1868 - Sterling School was built

1875 - Newburg annexed to City of Cleveland

1874 - Normal School established to train teachers. It was originally in the Eagle Street School building.

In 1879 there were 38 lower schools with enrollment of 21,721:

Bolton - 384

Brownell - 1,682

Case - 1,333

Charter Oak - 125

Clark - 251

Crawford - 38

Detroit - 818

Dunham - 68

Eagle - 381

Euclid - 216

Fairmount - 287

Garden - 227

Gordon - 217

Hicks - 833

Independence - 40

Kentucky - 934

Kinsman - 157

Lovejoy - 60

Madison - 153

Marion - 44

Mayflower - 1,303

Meyer - 69

North - 630

Orchard - 1,482

Outhwaite - 1,834

Quincy - 124

Ridge - 42

Rockwell - 1,160

St. Clair - 1,087

South - 161

Sterling - 1,508

Tremont - 1,196

Union Mills - 211

Wade - 973

Walnut - 726

Warren - 772

Woodland - 75

York - 52

There were also:

Normal School - 65

Central High - 747

West High - 211



Prospect 1840

Kentucky 1852

Mayflower 1854

Eagle 1855

Hicks and Alabama 1858

Brownell 1865

Bolton 1868

Orchard, Rockwell, Warren, St. Clair all in 1869

Garden and Detroit in 1870

Tremont in 1873

Outhwaite in 1874

Case in 1876

Central High in 1878

Walton in 1879

Tremont Addition in 1880

Rockwell Relief and Broadway in 1881

Buhrer and Dike in 1883

Dunham, Fowler, Hicks Relief, Lincoln, Marion and West High in 1884

Clark, Kinsman, Sibley, Stanard, Sumner and Waverly in 1885

1890 - West Manual Training School was opened on the upper floor of the old West High School Building

1891 - The following schools were built: Central High School Annex, Tremont Annex, Kentucky Annex

1894 - Brooklyn and West Cleveland were annexed and the following schools came with them: Landon, Watterson, Denison, and Ray.

1896-1897 - The following free Kindergartens existed:











LIST OF SCHOOLS AS OF 1899-1900 WITH DATES OF CONSTRUCTION (From "Cleveland Schools in the 19th Century" by Wm. Akers, 1901, Page 314)

Board of Education, 190 Euclid Ave., 1856

Normal Training, Marion near Sked, 1895 rebuilt

Central High, Willson near Cedar, 1877

West High, Randall and Bridge, 1883

South high, Broadway and Fullerton, 1894

Lincoln High, Scranton and Castle, 1900

East High, Decker and Genessee, 1900

Central manual Training, Cedar near Willson, 1893

West Manual Training, Clinton and State, 1861

Wade Park Manual Training, 1899

Alabama, Alabama at St. Clair, 1858

Ansel, Ansel North of Superior, ??

Barkwill, on Barkwill, 1896

Bolton, Bolton near Cedar, 1894 annex

Brandon, Brandon at Paul, 1895

Broadway, Broadway at Worley, 1881

Brownell, at Sumner, 1884 annex

Buhrer, on Buhrer between Scranton and Jennings, 1883

Case, at Cooper, 1875

Charter Oak, Broadway near union, 1870

Clark, at Hamburg, 1884

Denison, at St. Paul, 1870

Dike, between Outhwaite and Scovill, 1883

Dunham, at Lexington, 1894 annex

Eagle Street, 1855

East Madison, between St. Clair and Superior, 1889

Fairmount, near Euclid, 1891

Fowler, between Hector and Cowan, 1883

Fullerton, between Todd and Skinner, 1897

Garden, Central Ave. at Ashland, 1870

Giddings, south of Cedar, 1890

Gilbert, South of Clark, 1898

Gordon, south of Lorain, 1889

Harmon, at Woodland, 1899

Hicks, between Bridge and Lorain, 1884 annex

Hough, near Bolton, 1887

Huck, Chard St. at Petrie, 1884

Independence, Brecksville Rd. south line of city, 1871

Kentucky, facing the Reservoir, 1891

Kinsman, near East Madison, 1885

Lake Ave., lot between Elliott and Seward

Landon, between Detroit and West Madison, 1887

Lincoln, at Platt, 1883

Mayflower, at Orange, 1894 annex

Meyer, at Brighton, 1870

Miles Ave., beyond city limits, ????

Miles Park, at Woodland Hills Ave., 1890

Oakland, at Moulton, 1895

Orchard, Peach facing orchard, 1869

Outhwaite, between Willson and Kennard, 1874

Quincy, near Madison, 1896

Ray, near Denison, 1892

Rice, near South Woodland, ????

Ridge, Ridge Rd., near C.C.C. & St. L.R.R., 1859

Rockwell at Bond, 1869

Sackett, between Pearl and Burton, 1892

Scranton at Vega, 1888

Sibley, near Willson, 1884

South Case, Case at Central, 1890

Sowinski, near Woolsey, 1895

Stanard, near Willson, 1884

St. Clair, between Dodge and N. Perry, 1869

Sterling, between Cedar and Sibley, 1869

Tremont, at the corner of Pelton, 1873

Union, near Gallup, 1887

Wade, Wade Ave. near Mill, ????

Wade Park, near E. Madison, 1898

Walton, at Rhodes, 1878

Waring, near Payne, 1887

Warren, near Dille, 1892

Watterson, near W. Madison, 1874

Waverly, between Bridge and Lorain, 1884

Willard, near Davis, 1895

Woodland, South Woodland Ave. near Woodland Hills, 1892

Woodland Hills, at Union, 1887

Boys-East, Harper near Central, ????

Boys-West, Wade at Mill, 1854


High Schools:

Central High – E. 55th south of Cedar Avenue

East High – E. 82nd at the corner of Decker Ave.

Glenville High – 495 Parkwood Blvd. at the corner of Everton

Lincoln Nigh – Scranton Road at the corner of Castle Ave.

South High – Broadway opposite Fullerton Ave.

West High – Franklin Ave. at the corner of W. 69th St.

Normal Training – Bridge Avenue and the corner of Randall Rd.

Central Manual Training – Cedar Ave. near E. 55th St.

Charter Oak Manual Training – Broadway near Union Ave.

Meyer Manual Training – Meyer Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

Orchard Manual Training – Orchard Ave. opposite W. 42nd

Quincy Manual Training – Quincy Ave. near E. 79th St.

West Manual Training – Clinton Ave. at the corner of W. 29th

Wade Park Manual Training – Wade Park Ave. near E. 79th

School for the Deaf – 2380 E. 55th St.

Alabama – St. Clair Ave. at the corner of E. 26th

Barkwill – Barkwill at the corner of Dolloff Rd.

Bolton – E. 89th near Cedar Ave.

Boys – W. 29th at the corner of Clinton Ave.

Brandon – Random Rd. at the corner of Paul Ave.

Broadway – Broadway at the corner of Worley Ave.

Brownell – E. 14th at the corner of Sumner Ave.

Buhrer – Buhrer Ave. near W. 14th St.

Case – E. 40th at the corner of Cooper Ave.

Case-Woodland – Woodland Ave. at the corner of E. 40th

Central – Central Ave. at the corner of E. 65th

Clark – Clark Ave. near W. 56th

Dawning – Dawning near Stateview Ave. in Brooklyn

Denison – Denison Ave. near W. 25th

Detroit – Detroit Ave. at the corner of W. 49th

Dike – E. 74th near Scovill

Dike-Central - Central Ave. at the corner of Ashland Rd.

Doan – E. 65th near Superior

Dunham – E. 66th at the corner of Lexington Ave.

Eagle – Eagle Ave between Woodland and E. 9th

East Denison – Denison Ave. opposite W. 17th

East Madison – Addison Rd. at the corner of Carl Ave.

Fairmount – E. 107th near Euclid

Fowler – Fowler Ave. at the corner of Hector

Fruitland – W. 116th at the corner of Locust Ave.

Fullerton – Fullerton Ave. near E. 57th

Giddings – E. 71st near Central Ave.

Gilbert – W. 58th at the corner of Otto Court

Glenville – E. 105th near St. Clair

Gordon – W. 65th near Lorain Ave.

Harmon – Woodland Ave. at the corner of E. 20th

Harvard – Harvard Ave. near E. 71st St.

Hazeldell – E. 123rd near St. Clair

Hicks – W. 24th opposite Moore Ave.

Hodge – E. 74th near St. Clair

Hough – Hough Ave. near E. 89th

Huck – E. 49th at the corner of Chard Ave.

Kentucky – W. 28th at the corner of Reservoir Ave.

Kinsman – Kinsman Rd. at the corner of E. 79th

Lake – Lake Ave. near W. 85th

Landon – W. 96th near Madison

Lawn – Lawn Ave. near W. 73rd

Lincoln – E. 83rd at the corner of Platt Ave.

Marcelline – E. 71st opposite Rathbun Ave.

Marion – Marion Ave. at the corner of E. 24th

Mayflower – E. 31st at the corner of Orange

Meyer – Meyer Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

Miles – Miles Ave. near Putnam (Newburgh)

Miles Park – Miles Park at the corner of E. 93rd

Milford – W. 46th at the corner of Eichorn Ave.

Mill – Walton Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

Moulton – Bosworth Rd. near Linn Ave.

Mound – Mound Ave. opposite E. 54th

Mt. Pleasant – Union Ave. at the corner of Rice Ave.

Oakland – E. 120th at the corner of Moulton

Orchard – Orchard Ave. opposite W. 42nd

Outhwaite – Outhwaite Ave. near E. 50th

Parkwood – Parkwood Drive at the corner of Tacoma Ave.

Pearl – Pearl opposite Linndale Ave.

Prescott – W. 105th near Lorain

Quincy – Quincy Ave. near E. 79th

Rice – Buckeye Rd. at the corner of Rice Ave. (Newburgh)

Ridge – Denison Ave. near W. 73rd

Rockwell – Rockwell Ave. at the corner of E. 6th

Rosedale – Moulton Ave. at the corner of E. 115th

Sackett – Sackett Ave. near Fulton Rd.

Scranton – Scranton Rd. at the corner of Vega

Sibley – Carnegie Ave. near E. 55th

South Case – E. 40th at the corner of Central

Sowinski – Sowinski near E. 79th

St. Clair – St. Clair near E. 21st St.

Stanard – Stanard Ave. near E. 55th

Sterling – E. 30th at the corner of Cedar

Tod – E. 65th at the corner of Waterman Ave.

Tremont – Tremont at the corner of W. 10th

Union – Union Ave. near E. 66th

Wade – Wade Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

Wade Park – Wade Park Ave. near Addison Rd.

Walton – Walton Ave. corner of Fulton Rd.

Waring – E. 31st near Payne

Warner – Warner Rd. near Connecticut Ave.

Warren – Warren near Dille Ave.

Watterson – W. 74th at the corner of Madison

Waverly – W. 58th near Bridge Ave.

Willard – Willard Ave. at the corner of W. 93rd

Willson – E. 55th at the corner of White Ave.

Woodland – Buckeye Rd. near Woodhill Rd.

Woodland Hills – E. 93rd at the corner of Union

Woodridge – Grand Ave. at the corner of Kinsman

Wyoming – W. 49th at the corner of Carlos Ave.


High Schools:

Central High – E. 55th south of Cedar Avenue

Collinwood – St. Clair Ave. at the corner of Ivanhoe Rd.

East High – E. 82nd at the corner of Decker Ave.

Glenville High – 495 Parkwood Blvd. at the corner of Everton

High School of Commerce – Bridge Ave. at the corner of Randall Rd.

John Hay High – E. 107th at the corner of Fairfield Ave.

Lincoln Nigh – Scranton Road at the corner of Castle Ave.

South High – Broadway opposite Fullerton Ave.

Technical High – E. 55th at the corner of Scovill

West High – Franklin Ave. at the corner of W. 69th St.

Normal Training – Stearns Rd. near Fairchild

Central Manual Training – 5805 Cedar Ave. near E. 55th St.

Charter Oak Manual Training – Broadway corner of E. 65th.

Meyer Manual Training – Meyer Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

West Manual Training – West 29th at the corner of Dexter

School for the Deaf – 2380 E. 55th St.

Alabama – St. Clair Ave. at the corner of E. 26th

Barkwill – Barkwill at the corner of Dolloff Rd.

Bolton – E. 89th near Cedar Ave.

Boys – W. 29th at the corner of Clinton Ave.

Broadway – Broadway at the corner of Worley Ave.

Brownell – E. 14th at the corner of Sumner Ave.

Buhrer – Buhrer Ave. near W. 14th St.

Case – E. 40th at the corner of Cooper Ave.

Case-Woodland – Woodland Ave. at the corner of E. 40th

Central – Central Ave. at the corner of E. 65th

Clark – Clark Ave. near W. 56th

Columbia – Columbia Ave. near E. 105th

Dawning – Dawning near Stateview Ave. in Brooklyn

Denison – Denison Ave. near W. 25th

Detroit – Detroit Ave. at the corner of W. 49th

Dike – E. 74th near Scovill

Dike-Central - Central Ave. at the corner of Ashland Rd.

Doan – E. 65th near Superior

Dunham – E. 66th at the corner of Lexington Ave.

Eagle – Eagle Ave between Woodland and E. 9th

East Clark (Collinwood) – E. 147th near St. Clair

East Denison – Denison Ave. opposite W. 17th

East Madison – Addison Rd. at the corner of Carl Ave.

Fairmount – E. 107th near Euclid

Fowler – Fowler Ave. at the corner of Hector

Fruitland – W. 116th at the corner of Locust Ave.

Fullerton – Fullerton Ave. near E. 57th

Giddings – E. 71st near Central Ave.

Gilbert – W. 58th at the corner of Otto Court

Gordon – W. 65th near Lorain Ave.

Halle – Halle Ave. near W. 82nd

Harmon – Woodland Ave. at the corner of E. 20th

Harvard – Harvard Ave. near E. 71st St.

Hazeldell – E. 123rd near St. Clair

Hicks – W. 24th opposite Moore Ave.

Hodge – E. 74th near St. Clair

Hough – Hough Ave. near E. 89th

Huck – E. 49th at the corner of Chard Ave.

Kentucky – W. 28th at the corner of Reservoir Ave.

Kinsman – Kinsman Rd. at the corner of E. 79th

Landon – W. 96th near Madison

Lawn – Lawn Ave. near W. 73rd

Lincoln – E. 83rd at the corner of Platt Ave.

Longwood – E. 35th at the corner of Woodland

Marcelline – E. 71st opposite Rathbun Ave.

Marion – Marion Ave. at the corner of E. 24th

Mayflower – E. 31st at the corner of Orange

Memorial (Collinwood) – E. 152nd at the corner of Lucknow Ave.

Meyer – Meyer Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

Miles – Miles Ave. near Putnam (Newburgh)

Miles Park – Miles Park at the corner of E. 93rd

Milford – W. 46th at the corner of Eichorn Ave.

Mill – Walton Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

Moulton – Bosworth Rd. near Linn Ave.

Mound – Mound Ave. opposite E. 54th

Mt. Pleasant – Union Ave. at the corner of Rice Ave.

Murray Hill – Murray Hill Rd. near Mayfield Rd.

North Doan – E. 105th near St. Clair

Orchard – Orchard Ave. opposite W. 42nd

Outhwaite – Outhwaite Ave. near E. 50th

Parkwood – Parkwood Drive at the corner of Tacoma Ave.

Pearl – Pearl opposite Linndale Ave.

Prescott – W. 105th near Lorain

Quincy – Quincy Ave. near E. 79th

Rice – Buckeye Rd. at the corner of Rice Ave. (Newburgh)

Rockwell – Rockwell Ave. at the corner of E. 6th

Rosedale – Moulton Ave. at the corner of E. 115th

Sackett – Sackett Ave. near Fulton Rd.

Scranton – Scranton Rd. at the corner of Vega

Sibley – Carnegie Ave. near E. 55th

South Case – E. 40th at the corner of Central

Sowinski – Sowinski near E. 79th

St. Clair – St. Clair near E. 21st St.

Stanard – Stanard Ave. near E. 55th

Sterling – E. 30th at the corner of Cedar

Tod – E. 65th at the corner of Waterman Ave.

Tremont – Tremont at the corner of W. 10th

Union – Union Ave. near E. 66th

Wade-Mill – Wade Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

Wade Park – Wade Park Ave. near Addison Rd.

Walton – Walton Ave. corner of Fulton Rd.

Waring – E. 31st near Payne

Warner – Warner Rd. near Connecticut Ave.

Warren – Warren near Dille Ave.

Watterson – W. 74th at the corner of Madison

Waverly – W. 58th near Bridge Ave.

Willard – Willard Ave. at the corner of W. 93rd

Willson – E. 55th at the corner of White Ave.

Woodland – Buckeye Rd. near Woodhill Rd.

Woodland Hills – E. 93rd at the corner of Union

Woodridge – Grand Ave. at the corner of Kinsman


High Schools:

Central High – E. 55th south of Cedar Avenue

Collinwood – St. Clair Ave. at the corner of Ivanhoe Rd.

East High – E. 82nd at the corner of Decker Ave.

East High School of Commerce – E. 120th at the corner of Moulton

East Technical High – E. 55th at the corner of Scovill

Glenville High – 495 Parkwood Blvd. at the corner of Everton

High School of Commerce – Bridge Ave. at the corner of Randall Rd.

Lincoln Nigh – Scranton Road at the corner of Castle Ave.

South High – Broadway opposite Fullerton Ave.

West High – Franklin Ave. at the corner of W. 69th St.

West Technical High – W. 93rd at the corner of Willard

Normal Training – Stearns Rd. near Fairchild

Central Manual Training – 5805 Cedar Ave. near E. 55th St.

Charter Oak Manual Training – Broadway corner of E. 65th.

School for the Deaf – 2380 E. 55th St.

Alabama – St. Clair Ave. at the corner of E. 26th

Barkwill – Barkwill at the corner of Dolloff Rd.

Bolton – E. 89th near Cedar Ave.

Boulevard – Kinsman Rd. at the corner of East Blvd.

Boys – W. 29th at the corner of Clinton Ave.

Broadway – Broadway at the corner of Worley Ave.

Brownell – E. 14th at the corner of Sumner Ave.

Buhrer – Buhrer Ave. near W. 14th St.

Case – E. 40th at the corner of Cooper Ave.

Case-Woodland – Woodland Ave. at the corner of E. 40th

Central – Central Ave. at the corner of E. 65th

Clark – Clark Ave. near W. 56th

Columbia – Columbia Ave. near E. 105th

Dawning – Dawning near Stateview Ave. in Brooklyn

Denison – Denison Ave. near W. 25th

Detroit – Detroit Ave. at the corner of W. 49th

Dike – E. 74th near Scovill

Doan – E. 65th near Superior

Dunham – E. 66th at the corner of Lexington Ave.

Eagle – Eagle Ave between Woodland and E. 9th

East Clark (Collinwood) – E. 147th near St. Clair

East Denison – Denison Ave. opposite W. 17th

East Madison – Addison Rd. at the corner of Carl Ave.

Fairmount – E. 107th near Euclid

Fowler – Fowler Ave. at the corner of Hector

Fruitland – W. 116th at the corner of Locust Ave.

Fullerton – Fullerton Ave. near E. 57th

Giddings – E. 71st near Central Ave.

Gilbert – W. 58th at the corner of Otto Court

Gordon – W. 65th near Lorain Ave.

Halle – Halle Ave. near W. 82nd

Harmon – Woodland Ave. at the corner of E. 20th

Harvard – Harvard Ave. near E. 71st St.

Hazeldell – E. 123rd near St. Clair

Hicks – W. 24th opposite Moore Ave.

Hodge – E. 74th near St. Clair

Hough – Hough Ave. near E. 89th

Huck – E. 49th at the corner of Chard Ave.

Kentucky – W. 28th at the corner of Reservoir Ave.

Kinsman – Kinsman Rd. at the corner of E. 79th

Lake – Lake Ave. near W. 83rd

Landon – W. 96th near Madison

Lawn – Lawn Ave. near W. 73rd

Lincoln – E. 83rd at the corner of Platt Ave.

Longwood – E. 35th at the corner of Woodland

Marion – Marion Ave. at the corner of E. 24th

Mayflower – E. 31st at the corner of Orange

Memorial (Collinwood) – E. 152nd at the corner of Lucknow Ave.

Memphis – Memphis Ave. at the corner of W. 41st

Meyer – Meyer Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

Miles – Miles Ave. near Putnam (Newburgh)

Miles Park – Miles Park at the corner of E. 93rd

Milford – W. 46th at the corner of Eichorn Ave.

Mill – Walton Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

Moulton – Bosworth Rd. near Linn Ave.

Mound – Mound Ave. opposite E. 54th

Mt. Pleasant – Union Ave. at the corner of Rice Ave.

Murray Hill – Murray Hill Rd. near Mayfield Rd.

North Doan – E. 105th near St. Clair

Oakland – E. 120th at the corner of Moulton

Observation – Stearns Rd. near University School

Orchard – Orchard Ave. opposite W. 42nd

Outhwaite – Outhwaite Ave. near E. 50th

Parkwood – Parkwood Drive at the corner of Tacoma Ave.

Pearl – Pearl opposite Linndale Ave.

Prescott – W. 105th near Lorain

Quincy – Quincy Ave. near E. 79th

Rice – Buckeye Rd. at the corner of Rice Ave. (Newburgh)

Rockwell – Rockwell Ave. at the corner of E. 6th

Rosedale – Moulton Ave. at the corner of E. 115th

Sackett – Sackett Ave. near Fulton Rd.

Scranton – Scranton Rd. at the corner of Vega

Sibley – Carnegie Ave. near E. 55th

South – St. Clair Ave. at the corner of E. 152nd

South Case – E. 40th at the corner of Central

Sowinski – Sowinski near E. 79th

St. Clair – St. Clair near E. 21st St.

Stanard – Stanard Ave. near E. 55th

Sterling – E. 30th at the corner of Cedar

Tod – E. 65th at the corner of Waterman Ave.

Tremont – Tremont at the corner of W. 10th

Union – Union Ave. near E. 66th

Wade – Wade Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

Wade Park – Wade Park Ave. near Addison Rd.

Walton – Walton Ave. corner of Fulton Rd.

Waring – E. 31st near Payne

Warner – Warner Rd. near Connecticut Ave.

Warren – Warren near Dille Ave.

Washington Park – Alpha Ave. near Washington Park Blvd.

Watterson – W. 74th at the corner of Madison

Waverly – W. 58th near Bridge Ave.

Willard – Willard Ave. at the corner of W. 93rd

Willson – E. 55th at the corner of White Ave.

Woodland – Buckeye Rd. near Woodhill Rd.

Woodland Hills – E. 93rd at the corner of Union

Woodridge – Grand Ave. at the corner of Kinsman


High Schools:

Central High – E. 55th south of Cedar Avenue

East High – E. 82nd at the corner of Decker Ave.

Longwood High School of Commerce – E. 35th near Scovill

East Technical High – E. 55th at the corner of Scovill

Glenville High – 495 Parkwood Blvd. at the corner of Everton

High School of Commerce – Bridge Ave. at the corner of Randall Rd.

Lincoln Nigh – Scranton Road at the corner of Castle Ave.

South High – Broadway opposite Fullerton Ave.

West High – Franklin Ave. at the corner of W. 69th St.

West High School of Commerce – Bridge Ave. at the corner of Randall

West Technical High – W. 93rd at the corner of Willard

Normal Training – Stearns Rd. near Fairchild

Oakland Manual Training – Moulton Ave. at the corner of E. 120th

School for Crippled Children (Willson) – E. 55th near White Ave.

School for the Deaf – 2380 E. 55th St.

Junior High Schools:

Addison – E. 79th at the corner of Hough

Brownell – E. 14th

Central – E. 55th near Cedar

Collinwood – St. Clair at the corner of Ivanhoe

Detroit – Detroit Ave. at the corner of W. 49th

East – E. 82nd at the corner of Decker

Empire – Empire Ave. at the corner of E. 93rd

Fairmount – E. 107th near Euclid

Kennard – E. 46th near Scovill

Lincoln – Scranton Rd. at the corner of Castle

Rawlings – Rawlings Ave. near E. 79th

South – Broadway opposite Fullerton

West – Franklin Ave. corner of W. 69th

West Technical – W. 93rd at the corner of Willard

Willson – E. 55th near White

Alabama – St. Clair Ave. at the corner of E. 26th

Almira – 2800 Almira Ave.

Barkwill – Barkwill at the corner of Dolloff Rd.

Bolton – E. 89th near Cedar Ave.

Boulevard – Kinsman Rd. at the corner of East Blvd.

Boys – W. 29th at the corner of Clinton Ave.

Brett Memorial – Ruple Rd. near St. Clair

Broadway – Broadway at the corner of Worley Ave.

Brownell – E. 14th at the corner of Sumner Ave.

Buhrer – Buhrer Ave. near W. 14th St.

Case – E. 40th at the corner of Cooper Ave.

Case-Woodland – Woodland Ave. at the corner of E. 40th

Central – Central Ave. at the corner of E. 65th

Chesterfield – Chesterfield Ave. at the corner of E. 123rd

Clark – Clark Ave. near W. 56th

Columbia – Columbia Ave. near E. 105th

Corlett – Corlett Ave. at the corner of E. 131st

Dawning – Dawning near Stateview Ave. in Brooklyn

Denison – Denison Ave. near W. 25th

Detroit – Detroit Ave. at the corner of W. 49th

Dike – E. 74th near Scovill

Doan – E. 65th near Superior

Dunham – E. 66th at the corner of Lexington Ave.

Eagle – Eagle Ave between Woodland and E. 9th

East Boulevard – East Blvd. corner of Woodland

East Clark (Collinwood) – E. 147th near St. Clair

East Denison – Denison Ave. opposite W. 17th

East Madison – Addison Rd. at the corner of Carl Ave.

Euclid Park – Stop 4 Euclid Ave.

Fowler – Fowler Ave. at the corner of Hector

Fruitland – W. 116th at the corner of Locust Ave.

Fullerton – Fullerton Ave. near E. 57th

Giddings – E. 71st near Central Ave.

Gilbert – W. 58th at the corner of Otto Court

Gladstone – Gladstone Ave. near E. 51st

Gordon – W. 65th near Lorain Ave.

Halle – Halle Ave. near W. 82nd

Harmon – Woodland Ave. at the corner of E. 20th

Harvard – Harvard Ave. near E. 71st St.

Hazeldell – E. 123rd near St. Clair

Hicks – W. 24th opposite Moore Ave.

Hodge – E. 74th near St. Clair

Hough – Hough Ave. near E. 89th

Huck – E. 49th at the corner of Chard Ave.

Kennard – E. 46th near Scovill

Kentucky – W. 28th at the corner of Reservoir Ave.

Kinsman – Kinsman Rd. at the corner of E. 79th

Lake – Lake Ave. near W. 83rd

Landon – W. 96th near Madison

Lawn – Lawn Ave. near W. 73rd

Lincoln – E. 83rd at the corner of Platt Ave.

Longwood – E. 35th at the corner of Woodland

Marion – Marion Ave. at the corner of E. 24th

Mayflower – E. 31st at the corner of Orange

Memorial (Collinwood) – E. 152nd at the corner of Lucknow Ave.

Memphis – Memphis Ave. at the corner of W. 41st

Meyer – Meyer Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

Miles – Miles Ave. near Putnam (Newburgh)

Miles Park – Miles Park at the corner of E. 93rd

Milford – W. 46th at the corner of Eichorn Ave.

Mill – Walton Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

Moulton – Bosworth Rd. near Linn Ave.

Mound – Mound Ave. opposite E. 54th

Mt. Pleasant – Union Ave. at the corner of Rice Ave.

Murray Hill – Murray Hill Rd. near Mayfield Rd.

North Doan – E. 105th near St. Clair

Nottingham – Nottingham Rd. at the corner of Waterloo Rd.

Oakland – E. 120th at the corner of Moulton

Observation – Stearns Rd. near University School

Orchard – Orchard Ave. opposite W. 42nd

Outhwaite – Outhwaite Ave. near E. 50th

Parkwood – Parkwood Drive at the corner of Tacoma Ave.

Pearl – Pearl opposite Linndale Ave.

Prescott – W. 105th near Lorain

Quincy – Quincy Ave. near E. 79th

Rice – Buckeye Rd. at the corner of Rice Ave. (Newburgh)

Rickoff – E. 146th near Kinsman

Rockwell – Rockwell Ave. at the corner of E. 6th

Rosedale – Moulton Ave. at the corner of E. 115th

Sackett – Sackett Ave. near Fulton Rd.

Scranton – Scranton Rd. at the corner of Vega

Sibley – Carnegie Ave. near E. 55th

South – St. Clair Ave. at the corner of E. 152nd

South Case – E. 40th at the corner of Central

Sowinski – Sowinski near E. 79th

St. Clair – St. Clair near E. 21st St.

Stanard – Stanard Ave. near E. 55th

Sterling – E. 30th at the corner of Cedar

Tod – E. 65th at the corner of Waterman Ave.

Tremont – Tremont at the corner of W. 10th

Union – Union Ave. near E. 66th

Wade – Wade Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

Wade Park – Wade Park Ave. near Addison Rd.

Walton – Walton Ave. corner of Fulton Rd.

Waring – E. 31st near Payne

Warner – Warner Rd. near Connecticut Ave.

Warren – Warren near Dille Ave.

Washington Park – Alpha Ave. near Washington Park Blvd.

Watterson – W. 74th at the corner of Madison

Waverly – W. 58th near Bridge Ave.

Willard – Willard Ave. at the corner of W. 93rd

Woodland – Buckeye Rd. near Woodhill Rd.

Woodland Hills – E. 93rd at the corner of Union

Woodridge – Grand Ave. at the corner of Kinsman


High Schools:

Central High – E. 55th south of Cedar Avenue

East High – E. 82nd at the corner of Decker Ave.

Longwood High School of Commerce – E. 35th near Scovill

East Technical High – E. 55th at the corner of Scovill

Glenville High – 495 Parkwood Blvd. at the corner of Everton

High School of Commerce – Bridge Ave. at the corner of Randall Rd.

Lincoln Nigh – Scranton Road at the corner of Castle Ave.

South High – Broadway opposite Fullerton Ave.

West High – Franklin Ave. at the corner of W. 69th St.

West High School of Commerce – Bridge Ave. at the corner of Randall

West Technical High – W. 93rd at the corner of Willard

Cleveland School of Education – Stearns Rd. and E. 109th

Oakland Manual Training – Moulton Ave. at the corner of E. 120th

School for Crippled Children (Willson) – E. 55th near White Ave.

School for the Deaf – 2380 E. 55th St.

Junior High Schools:

Addison – E. 79th at the corner of Hough

Audubon – Woodland Hills Park and East Blvd.

Brownell – E. 14th

Central – E. 55th near Cedar

Collinwood – St. Clair at the corner of Ivanhoe

Detroit – Detroit Ave. at the corner of W. 49th

East – E. 82nd at the corner of Decker

Empire – Empire Ave. at the corner of E. 93rd

Fairmount – E. 107th near Euclid

Kennard – E. 46th near Scovill

Lincoln – Scranton Rd. at the corner of Castle

Patrick Henry – Durant Ave. at the corner of E. 123rd

Rawlings – Rawlings Ave. near E. 79th

Rice – E. 116th at the corner of Buckeye

South – Broadway opposite Fullerton

West – Franklin Ave. corner of W. 69th

West Park Lincoln – Lorain Ave. corner of 152nd

West Technical – W. 93rd at the corner of Willard

Willson – E. 55th near White

Alabama – St. Clair Ave. at the corner of E. 26th

Alber – Alger Ave. near Warren

Almira – 2800 Almira Ave.

Anthony Wayne – East Blvd. and Mt. Overlook Ave.

Barkwill – Barkwill at the corner of Dolloff Rd.

Bolton – E. 89th near Cedar Ave.

Boulevard – Kinsman Rd. at the corner of East Blvd.

Boys – W. 29th at the corner of Clinton Ave.

Brett Memorial – Ruple Rd. near St. Clair

Broadway – Broadway at the corner of Worley Ave.

Buhrer – Buhrer Ave. near W. 14th St.

Case – E. 40th at the corner of Cooper Ave.

Case-Woodland – Woodland Ave. at the corner of E. 40th

Central – Central Ave. at the corner of E. 65th

Chesterfield – Chesterfield Ave. at the corner of E. 123rd

Clark – Clark Ave. near W. 56th

Columbia – Columbia Ave. near E. 105th

Corlett – Corlett Ave. at the corner of E. 131st

Dawning – Dawning near Stateview Ave. in Brooklyn

Denison – Denison Ave. near W. 25th

Detroit – Detroit Ave. at the corner of W. 49th

Dike – E. 74th near Scovill

Doan – E. 65th near Superior

Dunham – E. 66th at the corner of Lexington Ave.

Eagle – Eagle Ave between Woodland and E. 9th

East Boulevard – East Blvd. corner of Woodland

East Clark (Collinwood) – E. 147th near St. Clair

East Denison – Denison Ave. opposite W. 17th

East Madison – Addison Rd. at the corner of Carl Ave.

Euclid Park – 18000 Euclid Ave.

Fowler – Fowler Ave. at the corner of Hector

Fruitland – W. 116th at the corner of Locust Ave.

Fullerton – Fullerton Ave. near E. 57th

Giddings – E. 71st near Central Ave.

Gilbert – W. 58th at the corner of Otto Court

Gladstone – Gladstone Ave. near E. 51st

Gordon – W. 65th near Lorain Ave.

Halle – Halle Ave. near W. 82nd

Harmon – Woodland Ave. at the corner of E. 20th

Harvard – Harvard Ave. near E. 71st St.

Hazeldell – E. 123rd near St. Clair

Hicks – W. 24th opposite Moore Ave.

Hirst – 12007 Hirst Ave.

Hodge – E. 74th near St. Clair

Hough – Hough Ave. near E. 89th

Huck – E. 49th at the corner of Chard Ave.

Jefferson – Linnet Ave. at the corner of W. 130th

Kentucky – W. 28th at the corner of Reservoir Ave.

Kinsman – Kinsman Rd. at the corner of E. 79th

Lafayette – E. 125th near Abell

Lake – Lake Ave. near W. 83rd

Landon – W. 96th near Madison

Lawn – Lawn Ave. near W. 73rd

Lincoln – E. 83rd at the corner of Platt Ave.

Longmead – Lorain Ave. corner W. 152nd

McKinley – W. 125th near Lorain

Marion – Marion Ave. at the corner of E. 24th

Mayflower – E. 31st at the corner of Orange

Memorial (Collinwood) – E. 152nd at the corner of Lucknow Ave.

Memphis – Memphis Ave. at the corner of W. 41st

Meyer – Meyer Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

Miles – Miles Ave. near Putnam (Newburgh)

Miles Park – Miles Park at the corner of E. 93rd

Miles Standish – E. 92nd and Parkgate Ave.

Milford – W. 46th at the corner of Eichorn Ave.

Mill – Walton Ave. at the corner of W. 30th

Moses Cleveland – Harvard Ave. corner E. 146th

Moulton – Bosworth Rd. near Linn Ave.

Mound – Mound Ave. opposite E. 54th

Mt. Auburn – Mt. Auburn Ave. near Parkview Rd.

Mt. Pleasant – Union Ave. at the corner of Rice Ave.

Murray Hill – Murray Hill Rd. near Mayfield Rd.

North Doan – E. 105th near St. Clair

Nottingham – Nottingham Rd. at the corner of Waterloo Rd.

Observation – Stearns Rd. near University School

Oliver Hazard Perry – 18420 Muskola Ave.

Orchard – Orchard Ave. opposite W. 42nd

Outhwaite – Outhwaite Ave. near E. 50th

Parkwood – Parkwood Drive at the corner of Tacoma Ave.

Paul Revere – E. 108th at the corner of Sanduskey Ave.

Pearl – Pearl opposite Linndale Ave.

Prescott – W. 105th near Lorain

Puritas – Stop 7 Puritas Ave.

Quincy – Quincy Ave. near E. 79th

Rawlings – Rawlings Ave. near E. 75th

Rice – Buckeye Rd. at the corner of Rice Ave. (Newburgh)

Rickoff – E. 146th near Kinsman

Rosedale – Moulton Ave. at the corner of E. 115th

Sackett – Sackett Ave. near Fulton Rd.

Settlement – Puritas Ave. corner W. 140th

Scranton – Scranton Rd. at the corner of Vega

Sibley – Carnegie Ave. near E. 55th

South – St. Clair Ave. at the corner of E. 152nd

South Case – E. 40th at the corner of Central

Sowinski – Sowinski near E. 79th

St. Clair – St. Clair near E. 21st St.

Stanard – Stanard Ave. near E. 55th

Sterling – E. 30th at the corner of Cedar

Tod – E. 65th at the corner of Waterman Ave.

Trachoma School (Sight Saving) – 1732 E. 55th

Tremont – Tremont at the corner of W. 10th

Union – Union Ave. near E. 66th

Wade Park – Wade Park Ave. near Addison Rd.

Walton – Walton Ave. corner of Fulton Rd.

Waring – E. 31st near Payne

Warner – Warner Rd. near Connecticut Ave.

Warren – Warren near Dille Ave.

Washington Park – Alpha Ave. near Washington Park Blvd.

Watterson – W. 74th at the corner of Madison

Waverly – W. 58th near Bridge Ave.

West – Lorain Ave. corner W. 139th

Willard – Willard Ave. at the corner of W. 93rd

Woodland – Buckeye Rd. near Woodhill Rd.

Woodland Hills – E. 93rd at the corner of Union

Woodridge – Grand Ave. at the corner of Kinsman


High Schools:

Brooklyn Heights – 731 Schaaf

Central High – 2200 E. 55

Collinwood High – 15210 St. Clair

East High – 1380 E. 82

East Technical High – 2470 E. 55

Glenville High – 810 Parkwood

John Adams High – 3817 E. 116

John Hay – 2075 E. 107

John Marshall High – 15149 Lorain

Lincoln High – 3001 Scranton

South High – 7351 Broadway

West High – 6809 Franklin Blvd.

West Technical High – 2201 W. 93

Special Schools:

Alex Graham Bell Oral – 2390 E. 55

Cleveland Trade – 535 Eagle

Jane Addams – 4940 Carnegie

Juvenile Home – 2905 Franklin Blvd.

Longwood – 2525 E. 35

Outhwaite – 4950 Outhwaite

Sunbeam School for Crippled Children – 11731 Mt. Overlook

Thomas A. Edison – 7100 Hough

Junior High Schools:

Addison – 1725 E. 79

Alex Hamilton – 3465 E. 130th

Audubon – 3055 East Blvd.

Brooklyn Heights – 731 Schaaf

Brownell – 2214 E. 14th

Central – 2200 E. 55

Collinwood – 15210 St. Clair

Detroit – 4800 Detroit

Empire – 9113 Parmelee

Fairmount – 1950 E. 107

Fowler – 5160 Fowler

John Adams – 3817 E. 116

Kennard – 2510 E. 46

Lincoln – 3001 Scranton

Nathan Hale – 3588 East Blvd.

Patrick Henry – 841 E. 117

Rawlings – 7520 Rawlings

South – 7351 Broadway

Thomas Jefferson – 3145 W. 46

West – 6809 Franklin Blvd.

Wilbur Wright – 11005 Parkhurst

Willson – 1625 E. 55

Elementary Schools:

Almira – 3380 W. 98

Andrew J. Rickoff – 3500 E. 147

Anthony Wayne – 11711 Woodland

Barkwill – 5295 Barkwill

Benjamin Franklin – 1905 Spring Rd.

Bolton – 2100 E. 90

Boulevard – 9700 Kinsman

Broadway – 7916 Broadway

Brooklyn Heights – 731 Schaaf

Brownell – 2214 E. 14

Buhrer – 1600 Buhrer

Case – 1535 E. 40

Case-Woodland – 3956 Woodland

Castalia – 14210 Castalia Ave.

Charles Dickens – 3552 E. 131

Chesterfield – 12301 Chesterfield

Clark – 5412 Clark

Columbia – 10405 Columbia Ave.

Corlett – 13013 Corlett

Cranwood – 13604 Christine

Dawning – 4430 W. 35

Denison – 3100 Denison

Detroit – 4800 Detroit

Dike – 2500 E. 64

Doan – 1350 E. 105

Dunham – 6602 Lexington

East Clark – 885 E. 146

East Denison – 1700 Denison

East Madison – 1130 Addison

Euclid Park – 18000 Euclid

Fruitland – 1523 W. 116

Fullerton – 5816 Fullerton

Garfield – 3800 W. 140

George Washington – 16210 Lorain

Giddings – 2250 E. 71

Gilbert – 3288 W. 58

Gladstone – 4914 Gladstone

Gordon – 2136 W. 65

Halle – 7901 Halle

Harmon – 2547 E. 20

Harvard – 6900 Harvard

Harvey Rice – 11529 Buckeye

Hazeldell – 661 E. 123

Henry Longfellow – 650 E. 140

Hicks – 1880 W. 24

Hirst – 11939 Hirst

Hodge – 1075 E. 74

Hough – 8915 Hough

Iowa Maple – 12517 Iowa

John Burroughs – 6412 Central

Kentucky – 1690 W. 38

Kinsman – 7805 Kinsman

Lafayette – 12415 Abell

Lake – 8321 Lake Ave.

Landon – 1955 W. 96

Larchmont – 1383 Larchmont

Lawn – 7412 Lawn

Longmead – 12712 Longmead

Louis Agassiz – Bosworth Rd. and Thrush Ave.

Louisa M. Alcott – 10308 Baltic Rd.

Marion – 2401 Charity

Mayflower – 2640 E. 31

McKinley – 3349 W. 125

Memorial – 410 E. 152

Memphis – 4103 Memphis

Meyer – 3260 W. 30

Miles – 11918 Miles

Miles Park – 9215 Miles Park Ave.

Miles Standish – 1000 E. 92

Milford – 3530 W. 46

Mill – 2808 Walton

Moses Cleaveland – 4092 E. 146

Moulton – 3701 Bosworth Rd.

Mound – 5405 Mound

Mt. Auburn – 10110 Mt. Auburn

Mt. Pleasant – 11617 Union

Murray Hill – 2026 Murray Hill Rd.

Nathaniel Hawthorne – 3575 W. 130

Nottingham – 18320 Nottingham Rd.

Observation – 2064 Stearns Rd.

Oliver Hazard Perry – 18400 Muskoka

Oliver Wendell Holmes – 625 E. 105

Orcahrd – 4145 Orchard

Outhwaite – 4950 Outhwaite

Parkwood – 1171 Parkwood Dr.

Paul Revere – 10706 Sandusky Ave.

Pearl – 4219 Pearl

Plymouth – 3610 E. 49

Puritas – 18100 Puritas

Quincy – 7700 Quincy

Rawlings – 7520 Rawlings

Riverside – 14830 Alger

Robert Fulton – 3291 E. 140

Rosedale – 1393 E. 115

Rutherford B. Hayes – 2300 E. 40

Sackett – 3349 Sackett

St. Clair – 1900 St. Clair

Scranton – 2750 Scranton

Settlement – 14000 Puritas

Sibley – 4940 Carnegie

Swinski – 7927 Sowinski

Stanard – 5360 Stanard

Sterling – 2104 E. 30

Tod – 3028 E. 65

Tremont – 920 Jefferson

Union – 6700 Union

Valley View – W. 168 and Valley View Ave.

Wade Park – 7600 Wade Park

Walton – 3409 Walton

Waring – 1727 E. 31

Warner – 1433 Warner Rd.

Warren – 4105 Warren

Washington Irving – 2520 E. 83

Washington Park – 1000 Washington Park Blvd.

Watterson – 7407 Detroit

Waverly – 1925 W. 58

Willard – 2220 W. 93

William Cullen Bryant – 3121 Oak Park Ave.

William H. Brett – 15630 St. Clair

William Rainey Harper – 5515 Ira

Woodland – 9511 Buckeye

Woodland Hills – 3504 E. 93

Wooldridge – 6200 Kinsman




1836 - The school met in Bethel Church and the principal was R.L. Gazlay

1841 - School moved to a small wooden building at Champlain and Seneca

1843 - School destroyed by fire and students went to Bethel Church again

1844 - Students attended school in a building on Vineyard Street

1849 - School built at Champlain Street and this school was called Champlain Street School

1856 - This school was closed


1840 - This school was organized with the following teachers: Benjamin Merrill, Sophia Converse, Emma Whitney, and Sarah Thayer

1844 - A library for this school was founded with 500 books. Horace Mann of Massachusetts selected the books


This school was also known as the Academy because it was located in that building. In 1849 a new building was built on St. Clair. In 1865 this school united with Rockwell and the property was sold.


This school was organized in 1840


This school was erected in 1851. In 1863 it was sold and a new lot was purchased across the street. A new school building was erected and called Bradburn School.

MAYFLOWER (located at Orange and Mayflower Streets)

1852 - organized

1854 - New building built

1869 - Building enlarged


1859 - school opened

1868 - new building constructed

This school later became Sterling School


In 1854, Ohio City was annexed to the City of Cleveland and the following schools were not belonging to the City of Cleveland. At this time, there was a school population of 2,438 students on the West Side. Eight hundred were attending public school and 200-250 were attending private schools.

Penn Street - 195

Vermont Street - 54

Church Street - 182

Old Universalist Church - 162

Seminary Building - 107

The first three schools were owned by the city. The other two were private. At the time of annexation, the west side was in the process of erecting the following three schools: Pearl Street, Hicks Street, and Kentucky Street. Of the five schools above, all except Penn were transferred to Pearl, Hicks, and Kentucky Street schools. The West Side also had Branch High School. The students attending Branch High School were moved to the upper rooms of Kentucky Street School.


1854 - Opened

1869 - Closed

1871 - Property Sold


1855 - opened


1855 - Opened

1868 - Enlarged


R.F. Humiston had charge of Rockwell Street School for 7 years. He then accepted Principalship of a private school. Subsequently he established a school on the Heights known as the Cleveland Institute which he managed for 10 years. The Cleveland Institute on the Heights remained open until 1868. In 1869 it was purchased and became the Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College.


Benedictine 1955, 1959-1970

Cathedral Latin 1924, 1926-1932, 1935-1949, 1951-1952, 1955-1960, 1962-1965

Central 1902, 1906, 1910, 1913-1916, 1919, 1921

Collinwood 1928-1929, 1930-1931, 1943-1947, 1950-1952

East Tech 1903-1922, 1925, 1937-1938, 1940

Glenville 1906-1926

John Hay 1941-1943

Lincoln 1921, 1923-1930, 1962

Shaw 1967

South 1907


East High School 1911-1914

Glenville 1926, 1930, 1931

John Adams 1927, 1930

Shaw 1954

West Tech 1946


History of Cuyahoga County by Crisfield Johnson, 1879

Early History of Cleveland Public Schools by Andrew Freese, 1876

Cleveland Schools in the 19th Century, by William Akers, 1901