Market Test - Merchant Coupon Program

Request your FREE Market Test today...

- Call Chris at 800-603-3985 Ext 42

- 7 days a week, 8 AM to 11:30 PM

- or fill out the form below have us test your market over the next few days at no cost to you. We will send you the list of the first 5 merchants who said YES to partnering with you and then call you to discuss the other merchants you would like us to go after.

The Free Market Test offer is available to US bowling centers in the lower 48 states. Centers must have 20 or more lanes. Only authorized decision makers (center Owner, Manager, Marketing Director, etc.) may request the Free Market Test. No purchase of any kind required.

When you decide to use our coupon program, we can customize the coupon offer for your center. I look forward to developing new bowlers and income with you, so please call me at the number below day or evening, or email or fill out the form above.

Chris 800-603-3985 Ext 42

BMA Marketing Wolcott, CT